Saturday, February 23, 2013

What Are You Wearing To The Academy Awards, Darlings??????????

                             Can you believe, girls, it is that time of year, already???????  I can remember when the Academy Awards used to be held in April!!!!!!!!  Now, as the decades have encroached, they have moved up all the way to late February, which is about as early as you can get, short of holding the damn thing on New Year's Day!!!!!!!!!!

                               But I know what you girls want to know--what am I going to wear???????  This year, there actually is reason to ask that, because we are going to a very glamorous Oscar party, at Monsieur's friend, Ellen's, place, which is not far from ours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  So I have to look my best.  I haven't picked out which specific outfit, yet, but I can tell you it will be some sort of Brooks Brothers-Ralph Lauren combo!!!!!!!!!!!!  I have to make a spectacular entrance, you know!  I also have to look my best, because there is a very good possibility I will be singing at this party.  I know I have been practicing "The Bus From Amarillo" a lot, and I am ready for it, but, considering "Les Miserables" is one of the prime nominees, I will probably be doing "I Dreamed A Dream," which I  have to save all my energy for, since I have to go to some very dark places, in order to portray Fantine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               I can't wait to hear what my girls are going to wear!!!!!!!  Adolfo???????? Givenchy???????  At the very least, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Let's hope for an exciting and fast paced awards ceremony, not the kind that usually has me falling asleep on the couch, well before midnight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               And I am telling you right now--Anne Hathaway had better win for Fantine!!!!!!!!!!!

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