Saturday, February 23, 2013

Maybe I Should Get In Touch With Sister Camille!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           That is Sister Camille D'Arienzo, darlings, whose spiritual messages on 1010 WINS each week I listen to with raptness, as they so inspire me!!!!!!!!!!!!  When it comes to having a front line for things, Sister Camille couldn't go any higher.

                            Now, as you may or may not know, girls, the most sought after tickets in town right now are those to the New York Philharmonic's "Carousel."  I have been calling in favors right and left; at present Monsieur and I are on a list, which does not guarantee us tickets, but which, let's face it, gives us more of a chance than if we were not on the list!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Which is where Sister Camille comes in.  With those elegant earrings, it would not surprise me if she has tickets to "Carousel."  And who would turn her down, if she asked for a couple more????????

                              I wouldn't be surprised if Sister Camille knows "Carousel," going all the way back to Gordon MacRae and Shirley Jones!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I am sure she would endorse it, since it has some of the most beautiful music this side of Heaven, and has a redemptive theme!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Would I really ask this of Sister Camille????????  I am not sure; it might be taking unfair advantage, and I would not want to be thought of as taking advantage of anyone, let alone one of the most celebrated Brides Of Christ!!!!!!!!!  It would be like asking for a handout from Mother Teresa!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  But you know what?  Whether I go or not, (remember it is going to be telecast nationally on PBS) I hope Sister Camille goes, and reports back to all of us on her commentary!!!!!!!!

                                   It would be just as inspiring as seeing "Carousel" live!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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