Saturday, February 23, 2013

Surprise, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A First Look!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Here is Jessie Mueller, darlings, performing Carrie in the upcoming New York Philharmonic "Carousel."  Isn't she just radiant??????????  These are rehearsal photos, so I am sure, come performance, Jessie will look more of the era, but it is an early indication of what is to come.  If only there was some YouTube footage, which would allow us to hear her on 'Mister Snow!'  I am getting rapturous, just thinking about it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Apparently, members of the press were recently invited to a rehearsal, where the cast performed some of the songs, so I bet these were the first folk to hear Jessie's Carrie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I wish I had known about this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           As I have said elsewhere, these are the most sought after tickets in town!!!!!!!! And now, after seeing the photos, and Jessie, they will be even more so!!!!!!!!  When I leave work each night, and pass through Avery Fisher Hall to get to the subway, I always see people hovering around the "Carousel" poster, aglow with anticipatory yearning!!!!!!!!!!!!  Who can blame them????????????

                                           But I am confused about something!!!!!!!!!!!!!  The poster features Shuler Hensley, who is playing Jigger Craigin, and Jason Danieley, who, I imagine, is playing Enoch Snow!  Makes sense to me!  Now, comes word that Alexander Gemignani, son of musical director Paul Gemignani, and a fine musical performer, (who would make an excellent Enoch Snow, too!) is doing the role!!!!!!!!

                                          So, what gives????????  Who is it , guys, Jason, or Alexander!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did Daddy Paul pull some strings to oust Jason, and get Paul in there?????  He doesn't have to; I have seen Paul, and he is much too talented for that; he can get  by on his own, thank you very much!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Could the two have gotten into a fistfight, because they  wanted so desperately to work with Jessie Mueller???????? Now, THAT I would believe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Your guess is as good as mine, as to whom we will see as Enoch Snow, when "Carousel" goes up on February 27!!!!!!!!!  That is just five days from now--and also happens to be Shelley Plimpton's birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Who knows?  Jessie may be as surprised as the rest of us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Here's hoping to be your Queen On The Aisle, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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