Sunday, February 24, 2013

When In Hollywood, Darlings, Everyone Is Jewish!!!!!!!

                               Next to my hometown of Highland Park, New Jersey, Hollywood is the only other place in the world, where being Jewish is a prime measure of success!!!!!!  So, I have to wonder how come more of my school classmates did not end up there???????????

                                Neal Gabler confirmed this, via his book "An Empire Of Their Own: How The Jews Took Over Hollywood."  But even our lovable Gojira gets into the act!!!!!!!!  I don't know if Gojira will be at the Oscars tonight, (though I know he WOULD cut a dashing figure on the Red carpet, and he too is rooting for Anne Hathaway as Fantine!!!!!!!) but I do know that, when he goes to Hollywood for production meetings and contract negotiations, (and being a movie star for over fifty years, he has been to a lot!!!!!!!) as soon as he steps off that plane, the yarmulke goes on his head!!!!!  He says when he is in Hollywood, he is Jewish, because it insures his winning all his demands, at these meetings!!!!!!!!  And it does!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  And wouldn't I just love to own a yarmulke like the one above, with Gojira's picture on it??????  Perfect for Hollywood!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   So, remember girls, if ever you find yourselves out in Hollywood, you make sure you dress properly, and talk the talk.  Shabbat dinners, shul, and all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    I mean, in Hollywood, you have to be a player!  And no one knows this, better than Gojira!!!!!!!!!

                                    Size, and geographic Judaism, get him everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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