Saturday, March 30, 2013

A Scumbag Prick, But An Emmy Caliber Performance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   David Marciano is a fine actor, who has been kicking around the business for awhile.
But his performance as cameraman Dick Purcell on the recent 'SVU' episode, entitled "Legitimate Rape," ( a riff on Missouri Senator Todd Akin's (a Republican, of course!) remark that a woman cannot get pregnant if it is a "legitimate rape!!!!!") was compelling enough to make me want to put me hand through the screen, and strangle the guy.  When I felt this rage coming over me, I had to keep reminding myself of what a fine job Marciano, as an actor, was doing!

                                     There was one bit of contrivance, which I objected to.  This cameraman also turned out to have a Law Degree from Fordham, though he never took the bar.  That would make an interesting story right there!  Why go to all that trouble, effort, and expense, if all you are going to do is be a news cameraman--not that that is any disgrace, but , compared to an attorney?????

                                          The answer lie with Marciano's character, Dick Purcell. He is a master manipulator, and he took that degree, so he could manipulate people in his life.  Like news anchor Avery Jordan, played by "The Walking Dead's" Lauren Cohan, in an interesting performance.  I was on the fence about Avery from the beginning; it sounded, initially like she had been leading Purcell on, he took the message wrong, and voila!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              But when the guy turns out to be a sleazy stalker, and a law grad, who uses Avery's words against her (their personal conversations, during work lulls, about her wanting to have a child, etc.) I knew Avery was telling the truth, and dealing with a scumbag. And the way Marciano used his face to deliver the most authentic looks of smug superciliousness I have seen says much about his acting, and his character requiring little dialogue.

                                                 The contrivance came when the arrogant Purcell dismisses on the spot, the great Roger Kressler (the equally great Ned Eisenberg, who here is beginning to show his age!!!!!!!!) and decides to represent himself.  His idea of cross examining Avery amounts to interpersonal rape of a sort--right on the courtroom stand!  This guy is filth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    And that juror with the cross!  The minute I saw her, I knew there was going to be trouble; she must have been time traveled in from the Spanish Inquisition!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                      Because of her, and her buying into Akins' argument, espoused by a doctor in this episode, the juror found Purcell Not Guilty of rape, but Guilty of stalking!  Then the guy has the nerve to sue for custody of his child, and is awarded visitation rights?????????  What is wrong with the Justice System, darlings????????????  When rapists get more rights than their victims?????????  A bit of male sexism, perhaps????????????????

                                                         Well, good for Olivia, (Mariska Hargitay!!!!!!!) who spirits Avery and Theo (the child) to some place where she can never be extradited!!!!!!!!!!!!  Leaving Purcell in the Interrogation Room, where I hope he is hauled from, off to a cell, for the rest of his life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                           But kudos to David Marciano for a bravura performance!!!!!!!!!!!
Seldom has anyone this bad been so GOOD, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                            Like when the show USED to be good all the time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. One of the most powerful episodes of all time. And Mariska Hargitay, beautiful and talented, is like wine. It gets better with the passing years. Olp
    ívia Benson is my idol, my hero.
