Saturday, March 30, 2013

When 60-Year-Old Men Dress Like East Village Hipsters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Girls, you would not believe the day I had, yesterday, though it did turn out to be a Good Friday!  I survived my dental appointment, where I was told no cavities--nothing!!!!!!!!--which means I am outta there for the next six months!!!!!!!!!!!!  Hooray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Then I hurried back to Brooklyn, where I did some errands, took a blood test, and popped into Our Lady Of Angels Church, where they were just getting ready for a Good Friday Service.  I couldn't stay for that, so home I went to rest, then Monsieur came home, and we went to the only place we could go during this period--the Lighthouse Cafe!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              We love the Lighthouse, but on Fridays, at least this Lenten ones, where one is not supposed to eat meat, you can get a standard order of Fish Cakes and Spaghetti there!!!!!!!!!!!  Which I did, and it was superb!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 Sitting behind us, in this booth facing the window, was this guy and his entourage, and how (or where?????) they happened in to this Bay Ridge neighborhood eatery, is beyond me, because they were not from Bay Ridge. Hell, I am not even sure if they were from this planet.

                                                   The leader of the entourage was this guy, who had to be at least 60, dressed in hipster gear that barely fit him, and that he was at least 40 years too old far. He wore sunglasses the whole time, which told me either he was on drugs, or he thought he was Jack Nicholson.  I think the latter, because this guy talked his blowhard accomplishments (much of which, I am sure, were products of his imagination) as an artist, yakking about the people he knows, how he is so "on the scene," (oh, Puh-Leeeeeeeeeze!!!!!!!!!!!) until I just wanted to scream out "Get over yourself!"  I was actually uttering some pretty bitchy comments, which Monsieur was trying to get me to keep down, but this guy was so egocentric, I don't think he would have cared what I said, because it would have gone over his head.  Like certain Julliard adjunct instructors I could mention!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                      This guy was a trip!  When he left, he said farewell to the staff, as though they should have been honored to have him there.  The Lighthouse staff is one of the warmest and friendliest I know, but I could tell they were not singularly impressed!!!!!!!!!!!!!   And the atmosphere became much more restful, once he and his crowd left!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

                                                         Pauline Kael, the late, great film critic, once said, "Boobs on the make always try to impress with their high level of seriousness."  I wish Pauline had been there to see this guy in action!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Wonder what Time Warp they went back to, after they left?????????????

                                                           It just goes to prove, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Not all the nutcases are in Manhattan!!!!!!!!!!!!!  They can turn up anywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                             Just stay out of MY neighborhood, though!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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