Monday, March 18, 2013

"Although The Snow Covers The Hope Of Spring.....!!!!!!!!"

                             But, darlings, I mean, like when is Spring EVER going to arrive?????????

                             It actually is supposed to happen this Thursday.  But with the snow we had son Saturday--during the St. Patrick's Day Parade, no less, and the cold St. Pat's Day we had yesterday, which made for lots of drinking out there, (not to mention with what we are supposed to be hit with this evening!!!!)  I am sure, who would believe Spring is just around the corner????

                              Tomorrow happens to be St. Joseph's Day, which is when the Swallows Come Back To Capistrano!!!!!  The way the weather has been, girls,, who could blame them, if they don't???? What ever happened to Global Warming??????

                               One of the books in Laura Ingalls Wilder 'Little House' series is called "The Long Winter."  Our Winters have nothing on theirs, but, with Wednesday being the Last Day Of Winter, and me due to visit the dermatologist (which I do, every three months!!!!!), I can honestly say this has been the LONGEST three month interval.  Back then, I was getting ready for Christmas; now I feel like I have been in a rehab facility!!!!!  This weather cramps my style!  Not that I am ready for Florida; that state, loves, cramps sophistication!!!!!!  Who would I hang out with, Casey Anthony??????

                                 By now, Proserpina, who is supposed to come back from her six months in Hell on Thursday, had better be thinking about packing her fashion wear!!!!!  But, like those swallows, who can blame her, for hesitating???????

                                   Don't forget the Easter Bunny!!!!! In just two weeks, he is due to come hopping around!!!!! But will he?????? If the weather continues like this, that Bunny may just put Easter on hold!!!!!!

                                    We can hope for Spring all we want, dolls, but the question must be asked--when are we going to get it????????????????

                                        Varykino, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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