Monday, March 18, 2013

This Is Major Filth, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Bill Major was a wife beater, child sex predator, and killer. Not exactly good husband material, girls, but then guys like this work to conceal their evil, and exercise the charms they have to the nth degree, to lure women into becoming their wives. So Bill did with his wife, Marlene.

                                            But, as the years went on, and the marriage deteriorated amidst a storm of physical and verbal abuse, things went from bad to worse one morning, when Marlene went to wake her school age son. She walked into the room--and found Donald and Bill engaged in something no child should be exposed to that young, and doubly not from his own father!!!!!!!!!!!  Scumbag Bill denies anything, but Marlene hears from Donald that this has been happening for years!  Well, she hits the roof--and rightly so!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              She made one major mistake!  She mouthed off to Bill, telling him she was leaving him, taking the kids, and he would never see any of them again! Had she not said a word, and just acted, I think she would still be here, today.  But   that was just too much for Psycho Control Freak Bill, so, after the night of October 10, 1980, Marlene went missing.  Now scumbag Bill had the kids all to himself, so he could go on molesting Donald, and also older sister Lalana!!!!!!!!!!!!  He remarries (love to hear that wife's story; hoped she divorced him, after she found out the truth!!!!!!!) moved out of state, from Ohio to Rhode Island, where the kids eventually told the stepmom about the molestings, and she called the cops on the scum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Even his father hated him, cooperating with cops to get Bill convicted, so Marlene and the kids could get some justice. You have to wonder about him, though.  I don't know what happened to Mrs. Major, Senior, and it is often said abusers are the products of abusive homes, so what was Bill's upbringing like?????????  Though you have to give Gramps here credit for stepping up to bat!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                This sadist father has no remorse of any kind. When Marlene first "disappeared," this bastard screamed at the kids about how their "whore mother ran off because she doesn't love you, anymore!" Nice way to emotionally traumatize your offspring for life!!!!!!!!!!!!  He had shot their mother when she confronted him, driven her out to a sinkhole, dumped her body in it, but cut off her head and threw it into the woods.

                                                  The skull was found within a year of Marlene's vanishing, and it told the whole story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  By 2003 this SOB was convicted of Marlene's murder, and will never see the light of day again.  Too bad he did not get the death penalty.  I would pull that switch, or release the needle plunger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    At his trial/conviction, Donald and Lalana finally got to tell Monster Daddy off, saying he deserves what he gets now, and they certainly want nothing to do with him.  I bet this sick egotist is only thinking about being embarrassed by them in court!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     You're the embarrassment, Daddy Man!!!!!!!!!! These guys think they're tough, but just wait till he gets to prison; he'll see what tough really is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                        I hope his corrections guard is a lesbian!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I recently saw this story. That sorry excuse for a human didn't deserve to live!


  2. Definitely not! I completely agree! Those poor children!

  3. I just saw this story on Discovery ID. What a piece of garbage. I hope a 300 lb man makes him his girlfriend. He deserves every bit of karma he gets. How can a man molest his own children and the children in the community. Nasty bastard. I hope his children have been able to move forward in life and do good things. RIP Marlene.

    1. Someone should bend him over and stick his big black pens in his tiny tight white ass all night long while he is in prison !!!@


  4. I second everything you said! Thanks!

  5. I couldn't have said it ANY better

  6. I couldn't have said it ANY better

  7. I couldn't have said it ANY better

  8. The father did tell cops but they needed corroborating evidence which the DNA and the voice recording when the father spoke to the scum and he admitted it, got them. BTW Wtf was up with that blackened nose???

  9. The father did tell cops but they needed corroborating evidence which the DNA and the voice recording when the father spoke to the scum and he admitted it, got them. BTW Wtf was up with that blackened nose???

  10. Fascinating story. Try use less exclamation points and questions marks though. It's pointless and makes you look like a teenage girl writing her mom from summer camp.


  11. Well..the exclamation points are part of my style. I have noticed, though, in more recent posts, I seeem to be using less.


  12. I couldn't agree more! And I am sure he will!

  13. Poor Marlene she was my girlfriend for a short time in the summer of 1979 when she left him for a while and moved to Harrison Ohio. She left me a note that said she was going back to him and stay home and eat bon bon candy.never heard from her again till I saw her murder portrayed on TV show.

    1. I believe I would have been 7 at the time and I don't remember remember anything about you. Don


  14. How awful for you! You have my sympathy!

  15. Forensic files dose a episode about it


  16. Really? I confess I have never
    watched that show. Maybe I should start.
    Thanks for the info!

  17. Yw the whole series is on Netflix's


  18. Thanks for the info, Jacob.
    I will check it out.

  19. The Raving Queen, It's on Netflix on Collection 2 Episode 1. There's 9 collections with lots of episodes!! I'm addicted;)! Thank you for the article! Hugs from New Orleans♡~


  20. Claire,
    Thanks so much for the specifics.
    I will check it out. And the best
    to you in NOLA. I love visiting there!

  21. Just watched the story on ID TV and was curious at one point tjere was info said that when he shot his wife in the car after dumping her body he then drive her car into the River. Was the car EVER found or even looked for?? I realize there probably would no longer be any evidence left in it. But darn to have it found.


  22. I am not certain the car was
    ever found. I agree there would
    have been much additional
    ecvidence, but at least this
    scumbag is where he belongs!

  23. December 7th of 2016 was my mother's birthday, and was the final parole hearing for William Alexander Major. Needless to say we were not happy to have to do the parole hearing on her birthday and I had more than just a few words to say to all those involved. He got hit with a serve out of his sentence, this is after repeated parole hearings where they just kept postponing rather than making him serve out. My understanding on his original sentencing, he was not supposed to get parole to begin with. October 15th of 2017 he died while in prison. I would like to thank everyone for your well wishes to the family. My mother's remains have been laid to rest at the Oakes family grave site in Lancaster Cemetery in Kentucky.

    1. I am very thankful you lived to know he has passed and faces eternity now for his evil... I believe your mother watches over you and is proud you saw this through...stay strong...stand tall...and enjoy your life!

    2. Donald Oakes, how r u doin today, livn life to the fullest, hows ur sister doin, think we all would love to know how u both are doing, and ur grandfather, hows he doing..


  24. Mr. Oakes,

    I am sorry to hear about
    your mother. As for this
    piece of filth, I think it
    was poetic justice he died
    in prison. No one will
    ever be bothered by him


  25. Unknown,

    I could not agree with you more.
    Be assured, when he gets to the
    "other side," things will heat up
    quite a bit!


  26. Unknown,

    What show are you referring to?
    And what is the HNL channel?

  27. I think it's supposed to read HLN = Headline News. They air Foresic Files, and the episode about this just aired again this week.

    My heart goes out to Donald and Lalana, and their mom, for what they have endured.


  28. Never heard of the network, so not
    familiar with the acronym. I am
    with you on Donald, Lalana, and their


  29. Cougardan,

    I second all you say. Have a great day!

  30. To Donald Oakes:

    Donald, I just saw this sad case on Forensic Files/Medical Detectives, looking up Major to see if he's still incarcerated. I see from your post that he's dead.

    I'm so sorry for all that you and your loved ones went through - particularly, of course, the murder of your mother (RIP). May God bless you and your sister.


  31. Marcus and Unknown,
    I concur on your supportive words
    to Donald!

  32. Just saw this on HLN...completely disturbed the major monster sexually abused his own blood in such a manner �� Wanted to find out if justice was served so did a little research.
    I read on wiki he was convicted in 75' of sexually abusing two other boys. This was before the information age so I'm sure things would be different. My heart goes out to the entire Oakes family, especially Donald & Lalana. May Bill rot in pieces.


  33. Unknown,
    I second every single thing you say!

  34. Donald I saw your comment that you were 7 and did not know about marlene and me and Harrison ohio where she escaped to you can email me and I will give you my cell and we can talk if you wish..steven

  35. To don oaks my cell is

  36. I'm glad his father let them record the conversation and the father is right, any SOB who can rape their own children deserves to die. That poor woman what she must of went through before he killed her. RIP Marlene

  37. Yes i just saw this on case files. What hurts me the most is when the cases go for years unsolved. Or they don't have enough evidence to pursue justice. I'm glad the family has closure. Marlene seemed like a very sweet lady. May she rip. God Bless her lovely son and daughter.


  38. Unknown,
    I agree with you completely.
    My strongest hope is the children
    were able to work through their traumas,
    and live happy lives.

  39. Unknown,

    I don't think he is, anymore, and,
    yes, you are right.
