Monday, March 4, 2013

Darlings, The Family That Slays Together, Stays Together!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Girls, I am telling you, the Hatfields and the McCoys have nothing on each other, when it comes to the Kananens of Orlando, Florida.  This was a family that just went from bad to worse. It started with the marriage of Richard Kananen, Sr. and his wife, Marilyn--the perfect recipe for trouble. He at one point had been an ex-con, but had managed to do something job wise enough to collect Social Security. But he was also an alcoholic and an abuser, who vented on his wife, children, neighbors, negihbors' dogs--anything, which, for reasons fathomable only to him, pissed him off.  The children-Richard, Jr, Stacey, and Cheryl (or is it Susan????) --had a nightmare childhood of physical and emotional abuse, added to the fact that their mother, the perfect passive partner for an abuser, offered little in the way of protection for her children.

                                  Richard, Sr., in addition to all this, had a way of periodically walking out on the family, but would always manage to return, to wreak more havoc. That is, until September 15, 1988, when he apparently left, but did not return.  No one in the house was too upset by this, nor were the neighbors living near them. But, as cycles prove, the abused sometime turn into abusers, and that is what happened here.

                                    First, Stacey, age 21, having had it up to here with her father's abuse (which included sexual molestation, when she was a child) took a gun to him, while he was sleeping, and blasted this bastard away.  Then she and her brother and mother covered up the killing by burying the body in a nearby yard.   Meanwhile, Mama Marilyn goes on cashing her husband's Social Security checks, living off these, when she gets word that, upon her own father's death, she will come into something like $315K.  Fifteen years to the day, on September 15, 2003, Marilyn goes missing, but guess what?  She is not missing at all; she was murdered by Stacey and Ricky, then buried beneath the family garage, so they could get the money.  These two kids had every reason to hate their parents, and want the worst for them, but murdering them themselves makes them as despicable as the parents themselves.  Guess the apple does not fall very far from the tree!!!!!!!

                                   Some pair of siblings, huh?  How did the other sister survive this hell, yet manage to keep a set of morals intact????????  You have to wonder.  Poor parenting had a detrimental effect on these children, but who is to say, even with good parents, Ricky and Stacey would not have been bad???????

                                     So, what are they? Psychopaths?  Victims?  Or both?  Whatever the choice, they are certainly no good, and deserve to be locked up, as they have been.  Actually, domestic violence support groups should do well to pay attention to the Kananens' story.  In a family like this, nobody wins!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Give me the Bradfords of "Eight Is Enough," any day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Ricky plead guilty to his father's murder, not Stacey. Stacey was found Not Guilty. Please get your facts straight.


  2. I had no idea Stacey was found Not
    Guilty. I am certain this was on
    an ID program I watched, and if
    they implied Stacey was convicrted,
    that was the impression I was given.

    Maybe I should have paid more
    attention but the fact is this--
    that Stacy was one piece of trash
    bitch who should have been locked up,
    but good! She will get hers!

  3. Some innocent people are sometimes convicted, likewise, some guilty people are found not guilty. Probably more.


  4. Quantum Mystic,
    Love your screen name, btw.

    You are right, and that is one
    of the unfortunate inequities of
    our justice system. I wish someone
    would figure out a way to get around it!

  5. Thank you, I love yours, too. I guess they want to give the rabbit a sporting chance.

  6. Quantum Mystic,

    Feel free to drop in here, anytime!

  7. Nike Victory,
    Never heard of it, but sounds
    interesting. I will check into it.

  8. Hello
    How are keeping in these weird times?


  9. Quantum Mystic,

    I am holding up pretty well.
    Got vaccinated, am eating outdoors,
    so more relaxed. Keeping up with the
    blog as much as I can, since my husband
    works from home. Seeing some friends
    we have not seen in over a year.

    Have a colonoscopy on the horizon July 21.
    Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. I will pray for you sweetheart!

    Keep well


  11. Quantum Mystic,

    I appreciate that so much.
    Thank you.

  12. How are you RQ? How did your colonoscopy go?

    Take care


  13. Quantum Mystic!

    Hi! Thank you for asking.
    My colonoscopy went well. Perfect!
    Next one in five years.

    Stay well!
