Saturday, March 2, 2013

When You Hear What Was Done To These Two, Darlings, You Will Realize Scum Does Not Come Much Worse!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                These are Liana and Erik Duke, who were both 5 and 22 years of age, when this photo was taken, shortly before their deaths.   They plunged to those in 1996, falling from a height of 200 feet at a cliff side location known as Lost Dog Trail.  At first, the deaths were thought to be a horribly tragic accident. But when the truth came out, it was much worse.

                                                  They were murdered by Family Annihilator James Robert Duke, Liana's husband, and Erik's father!!!!!!!!!!  He pushed them off the cliff to their deaths, simply because he did not want a divorce, and did not want to have to pay child support.

                                                     This sick carpet layer had delusions of grandeur. He and Liana met in a typing class in high school, began dating, and, towards graduation, she became pregnant.  Erik was born, the couple was married, and, as far as Liana was concerned, she was happy.

                                                      Five years later, though, all was not happy.  Robert Duke had nurtured dreams of escaping from Green River, the Wyoming town he lived in, and going to college, though I do not get the impression he was college material, if all he  ended up as after high school was a carpet layer!!!!!!!!
Still, he thought he was better than it all, and it was best to be rid of Liana and Erik.  Not to mention the money he would collect on their deaths.  So, on a warm day in 1996, he took them for a picnic at Lost Dog Trail, and threw them off the cliffs.  A 5-year-old child!!!!!!!!!!!!  What kind of sick evil is this?????????

                                                         I am telling you, even Satan, I think, would be shocked!  But, rest assured, when Duke's time comes, Satan has a nice sizzling place in Hell set aside for him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                           This guy has no remorse or feeling.  Actually, years before, according to his friend, Roger, who testified out of guilt at the secret of knowing Liana and Erik were actually murdered, Duke had asked him to kill, by gunshot, his wife and Erik, at a barbecue they were going to have.
Even though Roger had a history of drug addiction and dealing, he refused.  Even druggies have some ethics!!!!!!  And when he heard about Liana and Erik's eventual deaths, he knew they were not accidental.

                                                             To make matters worse, Duke moved away from Green River to Houston, near his other scumbag brother, Mike.  Apparently, the money from his wife's and son's deaths was not enough for him, so he and Mike tried to talk Roger (again!) into killing their parents!!!!!!!!!!! Nice, huh??????????  Roger, again refused!

                                                               Roger, in fact, helped police nail Duke and bring him to conviction. He is serving six life terms--two for the murders, two for the conspiracy to kill his wife and son, and another two for the conspiracy to murder his parents.  If I were these parents, I would stay far away from Duke and Mike.  Though you have to wonder what type of parents they were to produce such monsters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                This scumbag deserves everything he gets, and then some. I am surprised he is still alive, the way inmates look down on child killers, in general. Add to that that Erik was his own child!!!!!!!!!  He better watch his back, because when someone is not looking........well, let's just say I would not be surprised. Or saddened.

                                                                   Just when you think scumbags can't get any worse, along comes someone like James Robert Duke!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                    Satan is sharpening his pitchfork for you, Bob!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Even Hell, well endowed any race!!, or prision is not punishment enough for this sociopath! I say let the public take him up on that cliff and push him over!! At least he would benefit the coyotes and wolves and vultures!!!


  2. Race does not matter. Even a
    baseball bat would do the job, nicely.
    Leslie, welcome to the blog, I will give
    you a greeting post. I agree with you
    to let him know what it was like for
    his poor wife and son. As for those
    coyotes and wolves, I believe they
    have better taste. They would avoid
    this rancid piece of meat. Even the vultures!
