Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Darlings, I Am Telling You, This Is The Film Find Of The Season!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 There is just no telling, girls, what one can learn, from reading the local paper. The other night, at dinner, Monsieur was pouring over the Bay Ridge Courier, when he pointed to something he wanted me to see.  It was a news story about a video that has surfaced on YouTube, which has delighted some, while having member of the Asian community up in arms.  It is called "Yo' Granny's In My Garbage," and this morning, we watched it, and I am telling you, we howled, especially me, darlings, over the funniest thing on film I have seen this Winter season!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    This is a spoof on something that seems to be endemic to Brooklyn neighborhoods; or at least some, I cannot speak for all.  I can tell you that, for the fifteen years I resided in Woodside, Queens, I never saw the likes of this.  Clusters of short, traditionally clad Asian (usually Chinese) women, either late evening or early morning, surface on the street, with huge bags filled with cans, which they are hauling to God knows where.  The first time I saw them in our neighborhood, I thought they wee homeless.  Then I got the idea they were Chinese vampires, returning to their grave.  But for sheer mysteriousness, they outdo even Dracula and his Wives!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     The film is a hoot, beginning with Granny popping out of a garbage can, showing how she gets up at 3AM, to begin her routine of garbage filtering.  The title of the film is also an original song that accompanies the screen images.  The actress who brilliantly plays Granny is a Spanish actress, whose last name, I believe, is Lopez, and because of this and how the film spoofs things, it has come up for protest in certain quarters of the Asian community. But, lambs, I am telling you, it is as fun and harmless as "Flower Drum Song."  And the scene where Granny licks the can of Red Dog beer is priceless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Lickee, lickee, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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