Tuesday, March 12, 2013

"Down! Down, You Fool!"

                              When it comes to strange gay couples, darlings, few can surpass Dr. Frankenstein and Fritz, whose relationship is brilliantly coded out in James Whale's brilliant film of "Frankenstein" (the one we all know and love, darlings!!!!!!!) for Universal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Start with the casting.  Fritz was played by the great Dwight Frye, whose career was something of a tragedy. For starters, he actually was straight (yes, loves!!!!!!!!) and had scored dramatic triumphs on the New York stage. He hoped to duplicate that success in Hollywood, but while he found work out there, his height limited him to deformed creatures like Fritz (a variation he played on in almost every "Frankenstein" film that followed!!!!!!) and, of course, his brilliant turn as Nutso Renfield in "Dracula!!!!!!!"

                                   But let's get back to Fritz and his partner!!!!!!!!!  Now, Dr. Frankenstein is supposedly engaged to Elizabeth (Mae Clarke), but let's face it, dolls, she is just some kind of beard!!!!!!!  Judging by all the time he spends with Fritz, it is clear whom he prefers. And do you think Fritz is going to let anyone come between them????????  Why do you think he torments the Monster, once that creature is up, and on his feet?????????

                                    Poor Mae Clarke!  First, she gets a grapefruit shoved in her face by James Cagney; then she gets passed over by Colin Clive for a gay hunchback!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Dr. Frankenstein must have had quite a few kinks. He must have gone for those disabled guys!!!!!!!!!  I always wondered how he and Fritz might have met up!  If any of you girls out there, have some ideas, please tell me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      How about Colin Clive as Dr. Frankenstein??????? More prissy than Butterfly McQueen herself!!!!!!!!!!!!  He might be of the House of Frankenstein, but if Daddy found out the truth about Victor, he would throw him from the windmill himself.

                                        One thing is apparent, girls!!!!!!!!!  In the field of science, Dr. Frankenstein calls the shots, but when it comes to elsewhere, Fritz is clearly in charge!  You can see from their interpersonal dynamics that Fritz is the Top, and Dr. Frankenstein is just a big old Bottom!!!!!!!!!  And he LOVES it!!!!!!!!!  I know we could picture all sorts of kinky things they could do, especially with Fritz's hunched back, but, then, I am not here to write "50 Shades Of Grey," nor are you here to read that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Too bad Fritz and Victor did not live to see the Gay Rights Movement!!!!!!!
What a postage stamp they would have made, darlings, for Gay Marriage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            "If you're blue, and you don't know where to go to,
                                             Why don't  you go where fashion sits?
                                              Puttin' on the Ritz!"
                                              ......With Fritz!!!!!!!!!  See ya, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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