Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Vot Has Happened To "Arteestic Freedom," Girls??????????

                                     Darlings, what a panic!  No sooner do I post that "Yo' Granny's In My Garbage" is the film find of the season, then I find, as of this morning, that the filmmaker, Maria, The Ice Cream Girl, was forced to pull it off YouTube, due to protesters stating how offensive it was.

                                         Now, I cannot argue with some who may think it offensive, and they have every right to think that. But, what about freedom of speech?  For those of us who found the film well made and funny, we have every right to view it, and Maria has every right to display it.  It seems like we are getting into Orwellian territory here--"All are equal, but some are more equal than others."  What is this, high school??????

                                           Think about what this means.  Will film revival houses be forced to stop screenings of "Gone With The Wind," because it depicts slavery?  Let me tell you something, when the camp classic "Valley Of The Dolls" gets screened here in the city, and Sharon Tate's character, Jennifer North, speaks that classic line, "You know how bitchy fags can be!," no one laughs louder over this than all the gay men in the audience!!!!!!!!!!  Sure, it is out of sync with the times, which makes it campy, but, darlings, there also happens to be an element of truth to it--as this blog, alone, proves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Just as there is an element of truth to "Yo' Granny's In Your Garbage." Who are all these elderly women going out there, and how do their families allow it?  Or do they?  If they do, why aren't they questioned for exploitation?  Or Elder Abuse????????  Perhaps viewing the film in this light would bring another slant to it that could solve other, more  immediate social problems, rather than offending a select few, who always have the option NOT to view.  But don't deny that option to everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              I say put the film back on, and let those who want to view, do so!!!!!!!!!!

                                              To this day, I can understand getting worked up over Mickey Rooney in "Breakfast At Tiffany's!"  Tickee tickee!!!!!!!!!!!!!  But THIS????????????????

                                                Artistic Freedom For All, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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