Saturday, March 16, 2013

Darlings, We Love Josephine Leonides!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            "Today, I killed grandfather."

                                              These attention grabbing words, written as blithely as though one wrote, "Today, I went to tea," open Agatha Christie's novel, "Crooked House," which, purportedly, Neil La Bute (who should know better!) is adapting into a film. It is not a bad idea, actually, and Neil, though I dislike him, may be the right director, with his penchant for darkness, and this story's. His biggest problem will be casting the pivotal role of  Jospehine. If Saorise Ronan were still the age she was when she did "Atonement," she would be perfect, but, alas, she is not. And while Saorise was a find, I don't know how many as brilliant as she are out there!!!!!!!!!! Personally, I would love taking a crack at playing Josephine, but my chances of even being seen for the role are next to nil!!!!!!!!!!!  Hey, Neil, are you listening!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               You just gotta love Jospehine.  Not only is she your garden variety sociopath, she has good reason to be. She is described throughout the story in negative terms--"ugly," "not right in the head," egotistical,: and someone needing protection from herself!  Which is why she is home schooled.

                                                 Josephine first appeared in 1949, a good five years before William March published "The Bad Seed," so I have to wonder if Josephine had a hand in the creation of Rhoda.  But, unlike Rhoda, who has advantages, Josephine not only has all these negative attributes, but much of her family just doesn't seem to like her. Including her mother, who had been an actress, so I am sure she is appalled at producing a child like Josephine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Really, aside from being born into wealth, Josephine really did not have much of a chance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    But we love her, anyway!!!!!!!!! Cold and calculating, and deadly as a snake!!!!!!!!!!   Clever, too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                      Baby sitters, beware!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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