Saturday, March 16, 2013

"They All Lived Together In A Little Crooked House!!!!!!!!!!"

                                             Girls, I am telling you, you should have seen "Splitting Heirs," on last night's Season Premiere of "Blood Relatives."  This story was a hoot!  Imagine a town like Laceyville, Pennsylvania (what a name!) where the local barber and his family are considered the town gentry! Sweeties, where I came from, a barber would be confined to Goat Alley.

                                                What a family those Colegroves were. Butter wouldn't melt in their mouth.  But that Mama Marlene--what a bitch!  Taking her anger out on a little girl, Brianna, adopted by son Robert  and daughter-in-law Heather. Seemed Marlene disapproved of the adoption, and them taking on a third kid, since she and hubby Joe were supporting then all, living adjacent to each other on adjoining properties. What I want to know is--why didn't Robert or Heather work?????????  Even gangsters earn a living!!!!!!!!!  And how about poor Fantine????????????

                                                   No wonder there was tension in that household, which turns out to be as crooked as Agatha Christie's!!!!!!!!!!!  What Marlene does is take out her anger on son Robert, by writing him out of the will, leaving him with only $1.  Meanwhile, oldest son Michael lives with his parents, is not married (uhm, hmm!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and I am not sure if he works either.  Hell, the senior Colegroves take the prize for Best Enablers!  They outdo even Agnes Wickfield in "David Copperfield!"

                                                    Tensions came to a head on the night of August 8, 2007, when, amidst a blinding thunder and lightning storm, right out of a Gothic thriller, someone broke in to the Colegrove house, severed all ties (like phone wires and such) to the outside world, and shot, at point blank range, Son Michael. Daddy Joe, and Mama Marlene  Even leaving Michael's brain on the bookshelf!!!!!!!  Way to go!!!!!!!!!.  Now, maybe Marlene  did deserve it, but she really oughtn't to have been murdered. Someone just needed to bitch slap her good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                        For awhile, it looked like Robert or Heather would turn out to be the killers. But it turned out to be Golden Son Steven--the youngest, an Air Force honoree, an athlete, but also a big old con artist. Steven had this ruse where he was living away from his family, rent free, with some couple, who took him in (why???????) due to his suffering from colon cancer!!!!!!!!!  Which, it turns out, he never had!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                           Steven was another one it was not clear what, if anything he did for a living!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Freeloading seemed to be the Colegrove siblings' family trait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Well, supposedly ( and I will explain why I say "supposedly") it was Golden Boy Steven, who was the culprit!!!!!!!!!

                                                              With Robert having been written out of the family will, that left Steven and older brother Michael as mutual beneficiaries.  Well, it seems Steven wanted it all to himself, and he concluded the only way to attain that would be to eliminate Michael and his parents.  Nice, huh??????
Watch out for those so-called Golden Children!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                   Except, (and here is where the "supposedly" explanation comes in)  I maintain that Steven is taking the rap for someone else--his adoptive niece, Robert and Heather's adopted daughter, Brianna!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                     I am telling you, those shots of Brianna, always in a white angel's outfit, with halo and wings, and it is not Halloween yet--come on!!!!!!!!!!!!  What parent would be nuts enough to allow their child to parade around like that.  And Mama Marlene took a disliking to Brianna from the start, and never concealed it to anyone--not even Brianna!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  And you better believe Brianna sensed that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                       So, I think Little Miss Brianna, under the guise of Innocence, fed up with the treatment she was getting from this adoptive family, when there were better ones out there, took it upon herself to commit the murders!!!!!!!!!!!  Cool as ice, this one!!!!!!!!!!!!  And she is still walking around today.  Let's see, if she were 9 or 10 in 2,0008 that would make her about 14 or 15 today. And she is still walking around. Darlings, all I can say is--watch out for this Lethal Lolita!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                         They better get to work on straightening out Brianna! Like the song lyric says in "The Night The Lights Went Out In Georgia," "Little Sister don't miss, when she aims her gun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                                                            Damn right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. Please keep in mind that, this show was made to entertain. There is a little truth on the show, but those people were actors, not the real family... I doubt Breanna even owned clothes as nice as the girl on the show. If you want to know what really happened, check the news media reports on the court case.

  2. To start this off I am going to give a little background here. I am a relative of Brianna and Heather, they are my cousins. I also knew the Colegroves. Brianna was born in 2002, she was four when the murders happened. Rob and Heather Colegrove adopted her as an infant to give her structure and a home. Brianna is a good girl and always has been.
    I realize that you are entertaining people with your blog and that you may have thought your information was accurate based on your interpretation of a television show, but I can assure you that you could not be farther from the truth.
    So, at this point I am going to tackle you post concerning Brianna and the Colegroves paragraph by paragraph. I understand that you might find this story amusing or a "hoot", but I can assure you that the murder of three innocent people is not funny and it is not a "hoot". In a small country town we do not judge a person by their monetary stature, but by their character. Joe Colegrove was selfless and would have done anything for anyone. Marlene had her own opinions, but she was a good person and she loved her family. They volunteered for almost everything as well as Michael and they loved doing it. This has destroyed lives and has scarred this family and as you have confirmed with your writing this will follow them forever.
    As I previously stated Marlene had her own opinions, but she was still a good person. She did not take her anger out on Brianna, she just pretended that she didn't exist and that was the issue. Marlene and Joe were not supporting Rob and Heather, they both had jobs and were supporting their own family. They did live on the property, but at Marlene's request.
    Marlene writing Rob out of the will was her way of trying to get him to change his mind about Brianna. And Michael actually lived with his parents because he had health issues and could not be alone.
    Your comment about "leaving Michael's brain on the bookshelf", well that was just perversely rude and unfeeling. These were actual people you are writing about. There are people that loved and cared about them and you are writing about it as if it is a comedy.
    No one really knows why Steve did or said anything and that is the truth. I also want you to know that "freeloading" was not a Colegrove trait and it was very presumptuous that you think so.
    Alright so this is the most aggravating and disgusting part for me, for someone to even have the thought or assumption that Brianna could have done this,at the time of the murders she was four years old. Not some criminal mastermind that you were hoping she would be. Now I really want you to think about that - F O U R - a four year old little girl learning to tie her shoes.
    She was an innocent, still a baby. The only thing Brianna knew at the time was that Marlene did not hold her or have her sleep over. As I said she was still a baby.
    There is no reason for Brianna to be straightened out. She isn't even a teenager yet. She has had enough tragedy in her life. The father figure she has known all her life, Rob Colegrove, passed away May 20, 2013 from injuries sustained in a car crash. She has had enough, the family could use a little compassion.
    So if you could please do your readers a favor, complete some fact finding, or investigation before you write in your blog for the world to see about a family and a little girl that you know nothing about. And by the way, as you so viciously commented, the "Lethal Lolita", she just turned 11, so much for you solving the mystery.

  3. This is so far from the truth it is sad how The Raving Queen can post these Lie's without getting the proper information... This is Slander of an innocent Child... Brianna was Born in December of 2002,this would make her 4 at the time of the Murders... So I ask how could a 4 year old little girl commit this Horriable crime? Miss Raving Queen you need to get your Fact's straight before you Post or comment on things like this. You could destroy this little girls life by the words you say. Brianna has been threw enough Tragedy in her life, I feel The Raving Queen Needs to write a retraction and correctly write the fact's and if I were this person I would pray that Brianna never see this cause it could cause a lot of undeserved drama for Brianna, and the Raving Queen... I am contacting a lawyer about this and watch out The Raving Queen will be brought up on Slander charges if there is not a retraction written about this Post! Next time get your fact's straight before you tare down an accuse a child of something she had nothing to do with!

  4. They didn't deserve to die, but to snub an innocent child shows a part of the heart that is not so nice. If son and daughter in law were self supporting, then who they adopt was none of her business. What did she expect them to do, give the child back? While they deserved nothing that happened, something was very wrong with the way those sons were raised. The way these people dealt with family and family problems and the greed show something was very wrong with this family and it's dynamics. Also Steven who killed his family and committed fraud (faking colon cancer to live rent free) wasn't Marlene's husband's son.

  5. For One I knew the family , For 2 . I am from that town . So you shouldn't be dissing the town where people are from and the community Don't care what you think !

  6. So what. You've said nothing to vindicate anyone, except you happened to know these people are lived in the town. ???


  7. Everyone,
    I just discovered these comments recently, so
    pardon the delayed response. As one person
    correctly said, I am commenting on something
    I saw on a program. I have a theatrical background;
    I do realize what I am seeing involves actors, and
    not the actual people.

    I should watch again, because I do not remember
    getting the impression Brianna was only 4 years old.
    If I had, I might not have written about her, because
    I seriously doubt, no matter how angry she might have
    been, a 4 year old would have the cunning and skill to
    enact such a deed. The fictional child in the Agatha
    Christie novel is, I beelive 12, and Rhoda Penmark,
    the famous "Bad Seed" was about 6 or 8. Yes, 4
    is too young. But up the number, and the possibility increases.

    That's all I am saying. I may be glib, even bitchy, but
    I do not write to cause pain. There are two sides to every
    story, I agree. But, as one reader posted, something was
    not altogether right in that house.

  8. Dear Twlya, I'm with a production company who is looking into this case for possible development. First, I am sorry for your loss and the hateful comments. You are correct, when you say these were real people, with real lives They were certainty not killed by a 4-year old. Feel free to reach me at 416-371-0050.I'd like to share more about the program with you.

  9. OHM,

    Never mind Twyla, darling! I want to go
    on TV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. I think this attention seeking approach by the author regarding horrific tragedies that destroy the family remaining is a sign of just how heartless we have become as a society.
    Oh, I was put off by the !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and the ??????????????????????
    ... should have responded to that reaction and clicked right away from this garbage.

  11. Watte Next,
    Clever screen name, I give you that. The? and! I still use, but not as much. As stated I was just responding to a program presented. I have no axe to grind with anyone really involved.
    Except small towns like these are full of white trash!
