Thursday, March 21, 2013

Le Sacre Du Pintemps, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Proseepina comes back from Hell today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  But what does she have to wear??????????????????

                                  Can you believe Spring is finally here, girls?????????  Let us hope it is much more cheerful than Winter, which went out for me with a BANG!!!!!!, what with having to spend all day in bed doing nothing, with a raging Migraine!!!!!!!!!!!!!  And TODAY, Monsieur and I have to go to a funeral--our beloved Bea--which is an odd way to open the Season.  I hope I can find my Halston!!!!!!  However, Bea was an important person, so it is altogether fitting she be buried on a Very Important Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  But the memories of Winter will soon vanish, as Spring spread its brightness and warmth!!!!!!!!!  Just in time for Passover, Holy Week, Easter, and all that schmear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  We're starting out by seeing "Cinderella" on Palm Sunday!!!!  How is that for Spring??????????

                                   And, who knows? When we get home tonight, we may make some lasagna!!!!!!!!

                                   Just like Liza did for Elizabeth Taylor, Michael Jackson, and Halston!!!!!!!!!!!

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