Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Let Us Be Inspired, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Well, I am convinced, girls, now I have to convince you!
                                            Can you believe it is Spring, and we still have the Winter doldrums??????  Feeling blah, tired, run down!!!!!!!  Oh, honey, let me tell you!   Well, I have a potential solution.

                                              If you Google "'Chorus Line' Warm Up." you can see, and hear, Baayork Lee--Miss Connie Wong, herself, loves!!!!!!--explain, and demonstrate some of the moves, of the 45 minute warm up that each performer in this show undergoes, in order to perform it every night.

                                               Now, I am certainly not facing this challenge--I would need a year of INTENSE physical training before I would even set foot on stage to dance one movement of ACL--but , after what I saw on YouTube, I thought--why not adapt Baayork's techniques to a more limited time frame--say 5 to 15 minutes, depending on one's age and limitations, and see what happens??????????

                                                  Baayork talks about toning and strength, so, at the very least, one should get that.  And it should help one sleep better--though not as well, as if you had just done "A Chorus Line."

                                                    And who knows?  Maybe, after a year, say of doing Baayork warm ups, we can move up to 45 minutes, and then who knows????????   Might I be the next Cassie, darlings??????
Or Sheila?????????  Hell, I'll even do Val!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                      So, tomorrow, which happens to be Spy Wednesday, we begin!

                                                       'A five, six, seven, eight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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