Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Happy Spy Wednesday, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             After a lovely--and hilarious--Passover Seder last night, we come to Spy Wednesday, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!  No, this is not a day of legalized voyeurism!!!!!!!!!!!  It is the day Jesus was spied on, though I was never sure by whom.  Some images show Judas kissing him, but I always thought that took place tomorrow night in Gethsemane!!!!!!!!!!!   But, then, I am not the most reliable in these matters!

                              I WILL have a story for you, later, that, nasty as it is, is just perfect for this day!

                              Is there a way to celebrate Spy Wednesday, dolls?  I am not sure, but my advice to you today is--keep your eyes and hands to yourselves!!!!!!!!!!

                               And make sure those nails are polished!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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