Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Talk About Spy Wednesday, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                This is filmmaker Harmony Korine, known for such Independent Film gems as "Kids" and "Gummo" (the last which I am still dying to see, because of the scene of the little boy with the rabbit ears!!!!).  It is almost fitting that this story breaks on Spy Wednesday, and it calls into question about not only everything about Korine, but the career of James Franco, as well!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Let me explain.  Recently, Mr. Korine was scheduled to be a guest on "The David Letterman Show," primarily to promote "Spring Breakers," a movie he had just made, with James Franco.
Well, it seems Letterman had another guest for that evening. Someone by the name of Meryl Streep.  That is right, darlings!!!!!!!!!!  We are talking about the Divine MERYL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Letterman obviously understood the divinity of his guest star, so he went up to the dressing room, to greet her, welcome her, put her at her ease--as if MERYL needed to be put at ease!!!!!!! Though it shows, at least, Letterman knows what he is doing.  Well, he knocks on the door, and gets no answer.  Then, he walks in....and MERYL is not there!  On a table is her purse, and caught red handed, his other guest, Harmony Korine, is rifling through--get this, darlings--her purse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        There is so much wrong with this!  Rifling through anyone's purse--mine, girls!!!!!!!!-- would be wrong, but to go through MERYL STREEP's??????????????  Letteman wisely and promptly gave Korine the heave-ho!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           No comment has been heard from Miss Streep, which speaks of her class and graciousness.  If it had been Anna Wintour's purse, Korine would be floating in the Hudson, by now!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             But it is not nice to mess with MERYL STREEP, as, in some way, Mr. Korine will find out!!!!!!!!!!!  Starting with this blog post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               And how about James Franco?????????  Talented actor, but, oh boy!!!!!!!!
With his NYU shenanigans, and now on 'Letterman'--he defended, actually defended, Korine!!!!!!!!!--he is asking for trouble!  Franco is an actor skilled enough to be able to work with MERYL STREEP; I have always thought that!!!!!!!!!!!! But, after this, do you even think he stands a chance?????????

                                                 James, honey, I am telling you--your career is COOKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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