Wednesday, March 6, 2013

"Men Flock Around Me, Like Moths Round A Flame/ And If Their Wings Burn, I Know I'm Not To Blame!!!!!!!!"

                                Darlings, I am telling you, when Monsieur and I, on Sunday, were leisurely listening to Marlene Dietrich singing her signature song, "Falling In Love Again," I threw back my head, and laughed.  Because, back when I was young and full of possibility, I nurtured cabaret fantasies; not that I would drive repressed men to insanity, like Marlene, but at leas I would have an audience!  One time, during the Summer, on our front porch--this had to be the 70's, I was in my teens--I threw my legs around one of the porch arm chairs, threw back my arm, arched my body, and began to sing the song. When, suddenly, before I could react, the entire chair toppled over, and my legs were all tangled up in the chair!  It took me a bit to disengage myself, and get up from the floor.

                                  But you have to admit, girls, there is a campy aspect to this song. I think young gay things, (well, male things!!!!!!!!) before they realize that Party Time comes with a curfew called Age, think of themselves as Lola; men just flocking around them, and if heartbreak happens, who cares they just go on to the next, as if this merry chase will go on forever!!!!!!!!!!!!  Well, honeys, it doesn't, and, if you haven't, I suggest you watch "The Blue Angel" to see, in extreme, the consequences of such deluded thinking.  It has one of the most heartbreaking endings in film that I can recall.

                                   Of course, if you are still young and carefree, you will not believe me.  But, as the Professor tried to tell Holden Caulfield--"You will. One day you will."

                                     Vot am I to do, dolls????????  I cahn't help eeet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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