Thursday, March 7, 2013

Run Down This Guy In The Middle Of The Road!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Remember the famous car accident, at the start of "What Ever Happened To Baby Jane?"  If you've been reading this blog for any length of time, of course you do!  This iconic incident popped into my head when I heard that Julio Acevedo was finally arrested in Pennsylvania.  He is the winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award!

                                  What did he do?  Well, first he has a history, of DUI'S, violent behavior and incarceration. Not the sort who should be driving a car!!!!!!!!!!  Early last Sunday morning, while driving in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, he ran into Nathan and Raizy Glauber, an orthodox Jewish couple--who were only 21, practically babies, themselves, darlings!!!!!!!!!--en route to the hospital because Raizy had gone into premature labor.  The couple, I believe, was thrown from the car, the baby was born three months premature,  and, after living a day, died!

                                      This has to be the saddest story I have heard in months. And if not for this scumbag, the parents and baby would still be alive, and that kid would have had a chance!  But because Acevedo has no sense, and the legal system, apparently, does not, either, because it allowed him to drive,  three very innocent people are dead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         I'd like to run him down, myself!!!!!!!!!!!!!  You want Baby Jane???????  I'll give him Baby Jane, honey; he'll be so scared he will not know what hit him!

                                           But once I heard this story, and its outcome, I could think of no better contender at present for Bitch Of The Week!  The next picture Mr. Acevedo will get taken of himself is a mug shot and fingerprints, when he registers for whatever facility he is sent away to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  And he better watch out--his actions caused the death of an innocent baby, and there is a criminal code that looks unfavorably upon murderers of children!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Good riddance to this trash, girls!!!!!!!!!  Throw him in the slammer, like the garbage he is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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