Thursday, March 14, 2013

Oh, My God!!!!!!!!! Is This Glen Ridge All Over Again???????????

                                    Not quite, but it might as well be. On the evening of August 11, 2012, in both the back seat of a car and the basement of a home in Steubenville, Ohio, Ma'Lik Richmond, age 16 and his cohort, Trent May, 17, allegedly raped a girl.

                                     As far as I am concerned there is no allegedly about it. Also, what is it with small towns and high school jocks that brings out the worst in everyone, and gives each a bad name?  Of course, the boys are both popular football players, of course they deny everything, and of course there are those, just like in Glen Ridge, who back them up, because, well, they play sports, and their futures should not be threatened.  Trust me, darlings; if these were members of the Drama Club (incongruous as that may sound, there ARE some straight people in Drama, loves!!!!!!!!!!) no one would be backing these boys up!!!!!!!!!!
Meanwhile, plenty of witnesses, partyers mostly, have stated the girl was intoxicated, sick, whatever. And then there is that damning photo, which made it cyber, of the boys hoisting up this girl, limp as anything, as though she were nothing more than a sack of potatoes that they were going to throw in the pantry!!!!!!!!!!
Nice, huh?????????????????

                                      Except for the girl not being retarded, sounds a lot like Glen Ridge to me!!!!!!!!!
Apparently, the key thing that has to be decided is whether or not the girl was drunk enough to grant or deny consent.  Excuse me, drunk ENOUGH???????????  Sounds like the boys are looking at a free ride, though don't worry; in the years following, the Glen Ridge boys learned that what goes around comes around, and if the Steubenville Boys walk, they will, too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          But what is with this "enough?" Drunk is drunk, and if someone is impaired by drink their functions and faculties are faulty.  Meaning things can happen to him that would not otherwise.  No ifs, ands, or buts--whether the boys deliberately got her drunk, or whether she got that way herself, once there, advantage was taken of this unfortunate girl, when what the boys should have done is designate someone to drive her home, or put her in a safe room, where could sleep it off!!!!!!!!!!  But NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             I hope these scum are found guilty of the rape I know they committed.  I hope people stop idealizing  high school jocks just because they are young and athletic; they can be scum, same as anyone else!!!!!!!!!!!!!   I hope for a lot, I know!  Maybe, too much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              But without hope, and examples set, things like this will continue to happen!

                                               Remember, all MY girls, drunk is drunk, and no means NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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