Friday, March 15, 2013

I LOVE This Kid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   "You're on Time Out, Leo!"

                                     Every time I see this IKEA ad, I scream with delight.  I am telling you, girls, the kid who plays Leo is the cast find of the year!  This nasty look he gives to the camera I can so relate to; I might have done the same thing, myself!  Hell, I probably did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Monsieur, my beloved, takes delight in this commercial, too, but more because he says Leo reminds him of me!  Well, he did not know me at this age, but I did.  Was I a Leo???????????

                                        Somewhat.  As the ad continues, Leo rides a kiddy bike that he keeps slamming into things.  I remember the days when I had what was called a "kiddy kart," and I used to ride it all over the downstairs of our house, not only running into things, but chasing people down!!!!!!  Ha, Ha, I used to chase after my grandmother with it!  I loved seeing her run!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         So, I guess I do relate to Leo.  I was pretty straightforward, back then, and if things did not go my way--look out!  Hell, I guess not much has changed.  Except I don't go running down people!  I just sometimes talk about them on here!

                                           Last night, while watching the TV, we did not see the "Leo Commercial," and I missed it!  Hey, IKEA, air this ad more often, so "Leo" can collect enough royalties for college!!!!!!!!

                                             And casting folk--sign this kid up!  Get him a reality show, a spot on NPR; this kid could, with little effort, eclipse Honey Boo Boo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Go, Leo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  You take after me, kid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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