Friday, March 15, 2013

What Kind Of People Own Party City??????????????

                             Girls, think, for a minute, of the dumbest kid in your class!  No doubt a boy--hardly shows up for class, barely turns in any work, ranking at the bottom and he does not care, torments the teachers in a BAD way--and yet he manages to graduate!!!!!!!!!!  What kind of future awaits him???????
At the time, most of us cannot envision a future for these types, except prison. I cannot speak for these types, myself, but I would guess they, too, now that school is permanently let out, and they have to face LIFE, must wonder what lies in store for them.

                             Sometimes, prison actually does happen.  But in a lot of cases, these types end up going into businesses of some kind, though how they acquired the discipline and knowledge to manage something is beyond me, especially since their grade point average from high school would barely get them through the gates of their local community college!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               The other night, when I saw a commercial for the Party City store, these thoughts ran through my head.  I actually love Party City, not so much because I am a big partyer--though we queens do love our parties!!!!---but, because, as can be seen from the logo, the interior is equally awash in color, and I have always been drawn to things which are brightly colored.  And I have certainly done my share of shopping at Party City, over the years.

                               But, that evening, I began to wonder, what kind of folk own Party City???????  Not someone gay; the store is simply not sophisticated enough for those merchandising techniques, darlings!!!!!!!!!!  It has to be someone who loves parties more than anyone else, and that's when I thought of the class dummy, who joked and partied his way through 12 years of school.  Outside of prison, or a roadside tavern, what better
store for someone like this to own???????????????

                               I am no sociologist, girls, but I have a theory that if you scratch the surface of every Party City, across the U.S., chances are you will find the one in charge of each store was a former "dumb kid!"  I am not talking about the Company CEO, just the individual store managers.

                                Do I have the nerve to go into these stores, and poll their managers?  It is a great idea, but do I also want to get my head handed to me?

                                  You can bet there are no Ivy Leaguers running these places.  Though, who knows, there are party boys among this set, so the possibility exists that they might be running one for fun, in between mergers and/or Ponzi schemes!!!!!!!!!  You know, a FUN sideline!

                                     One thing for sure.  The dumbest store manager is probably making more money than I, darlings!  Not that I hold that against him!  Guess the joke is on ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Maybe I should have paid more attention, while playing "Pin The Tail On The Donkey!"

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