Friday, March 15, 2013

"A Soothsayer Hath Warned, 'Beware The Ides Of March'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                          Can you believe, girls, we have already arrived at this date???????????

                           I guess you could consider this date as Friday The Thirteenth  To The Max, but, unless one knows the above phrase, from having studied Shakespeare, or, especially, read "Julius Caesar," this date kind of gets lost in the shuffle.

                            I must be really tempting fate.  I was scheduled for a dental visit (my personal horror--first, the Visit, then the Bill!!!!!!!!!!), but had to reschedule.  I was hoping for today, so I could do all my medical visits in one fell swoop, but no such luck.  So, when am I going?  Let's hope this is a GOOD omen--two weeks from today, the 29th, which happens to be Good Friday!!!!!!!!!!!

                            But I am making two visits to doctors today, the Ides Of March, so let's hope there is no trouble.  Though my visits only involve getting prescriptions!!!!!!!!!

                            This date seems to get filed away, and quickly forgotten. Or, today, thought of as only a Ryan Gosling movie!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            "Et tu, Brute?"  Watch out, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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