Tuesday, March 19, 2013

We Start The Day On A Sad Note, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Beatrice Friedman
                               September 9, 1912-March 18, 2013!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                Yes, girls, Bea passed the Century mark!  Six months into it, in fact.

                What is sad about Bea's death is not so much her passing, though her sweetness and spirited vivacity are missed already, and will be cherished in the memories within our hearts, but that she is the last of Monsieur's mother's friends to pass, which marks the end of an era, and takes something of himself with her.

                    How well I know this.When friends of my parents, people who had known me, since, well, I was a baby, loves, began leaving this world, it was as though the door on that part of my life was permanently shut!  In 1990, when my mother's good friend, Edna Lammers, who was like my own mother to me, died, while she was not  the last, the impact of her passing I felt most keenly--like what my beloved Monsieur is feeling now!

                    Though I only knew Bea for three years, she lived a remarkable life of courage and endurance. She survived the loss of her one, great love, before it could be fully realized--and still she went on.  No matter how Time encroached her, she always took the time to look glamorous, with the help of her beloved Home Aide, Jean (whom she now joins!), and to react to my singing.  Bea love the old songs, and I can sing them all!  I did for her, and I know she loved it!  I think her favorite was "Second Hand Rose."

                     Bea grew up a century ago in Bay Ridge, not too far from where Monsieur and I are both living!!!!  It is like the torch being passed.  But though Bea has moved on, she will always be remembered and loved by those whose lives she touched.

                      I feel very fortunate to have been one of those!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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