Monday, April 15, 2013

A Little Bit Of Heaven Right Here On Broadway, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 The Act Two opening of "Nice Work, If You Can Get It," is one of the smoothest I have ever seen.  The lights go down, the orchestra strikes up, the curtain is raised, and a bevy of chorus dancers hoof in front of you, recalling those days when chorus folk really danced in shows, which was what "A Chorus Line," back in 1975, had been written to celebrate.

                                    And interesting, girls, that one of those hoofers happens to be the adept Jeffrey Schechter, who, back in the 2006 revival of "A Chorus Line," originated the role of Mike.  Looks like he might be following in Wayne Cilento's  (THE Original Mike!!!!!!!!) footsteps.

                                     But, when the dancers exit, the lights dim, and the Wonderful Jessie Mueller takes center stage to sing the Gershwin classic, "But Not For Me," it does not get any better than this!!!!!!!!  It just melted my heart, girls, and I could hear comments from those around me on how beautiful they thought Jessie's voice was.  I could have told them that, loves, but the great thing about Jessie appearing here is many are now getting a chance to discover her for the first time, and are waxing as rhapsodic about her, as I am.

                                       As if this is not enough,the show offers Blythe Danner, in the role of Jimmy Winter's (played by Matthew Broderick) mother.  Yes, darlings--BLYTHE DANNER.  Who, as you might expect, looks stunning, adds an adroit comic touch to the last part of the proceedings, and is just heaven to see on stage with at the same time as Jessie Mueller.

                                       Blythe, I understand, is only in it till the 28th--she has been doing it since around mid-December of last year.  If you want to see her, hurry. But Jessie is the one who should be seen, so hurry, anyway.  This show is coming up on its year anniversary as of April 24, and, in this age, unless you have a blockbuster, nothing seems to run long anymore.

                                        And the show is in remarkably good shape, though I had to wonder yesterday if Matthew was a bit worn out, and did he go up on one of his lines, at the end??????  Matt, darling, I have news for you--in this show, you are yesterday's news. Even if Blythe were not in it, with Jessie Mueller now at the helm, you do not stand a chance.

                                         So, if you have seen 'Nice Work' already, Jessie is reason enough to go back. If you have not, she is reason enough to see it in the first place, offering more evidence, as I keep saying, that she is the next thing to watch for in Musical Theater!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           But when will she get a vehicle she can carry herself?????????????

                                            I STILL say, darlings--"Funny Girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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