Monday, April 15, 2013

Girls, I Am Telling You, This Barbara Britton Is One Piece Of Bitch Work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   I almost had Barbara on hold for this Thursday, to name her as Bitch Of The Week. But I decided her story was too good to wait, though there is nothing good about Barbara. And forget that she is named Britton; that is not how the composer, Benjamin, spells it, darlings, added to which Barbara is so low class she would not know  who Benjamin Britten was!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    This story happened in Pembroke Pines, Florida--I hate to be judgemental, but why does it seem these things always happen in Florida??????--and it started out like something out of William Inge.

                                       Nineteen-year-old David Jackson was trying to make his way, having worked his way up already to managing a Burger King.  One of his coworkers was a bright eyed 16-year-old named Barbara Britton, and before you could blink an eye, the two were smitten.  Even though Barbara was, let's
face it, what is called jail bait, and the bait bit.

                                         Now, Barbara's father, Harry Britton, did not like David, at all.  From the pics I have seen of this guy, he looks like he would not have liked anyone dating his daughter. Mr. Control, here!!!!!!!!!  And not a word about Barbara's mother--was she killed off?  did she run off?  divorce??????  I would like to know what was going on with that marriage, loves, because I get the distinct impression Daddy Harry was knocking folks around at home!

                                            You can bet Harry was not thrilled when he found out David had knocked up his daughter, Barbara.  But the two got married, and had a little boy, whom they named John, and, apparently, both loved.  Except Daddy still did not like David.  Because they were married so young, things did not last long, (they generally don't when married in haste!!!!!!!!) and Barbara and David were divorced.
Though Barbara always maintained she had deep feelings for David.  Yeah, right!!!!!!!!!  Wait, dolls, it gets better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Daddy was thrilled David was out of Barbara's life.  Except he really wasn't, because he was working a more responsible job, and trying to be a good father to John.  And it seemed Barbara did allow his visits, permitted the two to have a relationship.

                                                 So, what went wrong????????????

                                                  Barbara married again, and this time she married a piece of scum named Michael Wolfe, who was not only her father's age (which says a lot right there!!!!!!!!!) but just as controlling as Daddy.  Plus he had a criminal background--gun running, and such.   Nevertheless, Daddy was pleased as punch, when his daughter married Michael.

                                                      The now married couple moved away, to Arizona, putting them at a considerable distance from David, who, nevertheless, was still determined to have some kind of relationship with his son.

                                                        Somewhere along the way, it was decided--and I believe by Daddy Harry--that David needed to be gotten rid of.  The underlying motive was he might be a threat to Barbara's custody of John, but I think the real reason was Control Daddy Harry just wanted to throw his muscle around, and kill David!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                         To do this, he would need some muscle and some assistance--namely, Barbara's husband, Mike, who was all too willing to help, and, unbelievable as it might sound--Barbara herself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                            On June 25, 1988, David's brother, Mark, was flying in to Fort Lauderdale, where David, then 24, was going to pick him up.  Mark arrived, but no David.  Thus began a missing persons case that lasted for years.  But when human remains were turned up in the lot of a recently built Walgreen's store, and those bones were tested with other DNA, the remains were found to be those of.............David Jackson!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                 Barbara was used as bait. Whether it was out of fear of her father (which is possible) or just the fact that she was one cold bitch, (which sounds plausible as well!!!!!!!)
several days before the disappearance, Barbara got in touch with David from a nearby hotel room, wanting to see him.  David, who apparently also still had some feelings for Barbara, complied, and when he arrived, as the former couple sat on the bed and conversed, Michael Wolfe came out of a closet, and, from behind, shot David in the head, with a silencer.  But David would not die easily, and, from another closet, appeared Harry Britton, ordering Michael to shoot again, as David was not yet dead.

                                                                     What pieces of scum these were!!!!!!!!  And don't kid yourselves about daughter Barbara!!!!!!!!  She is not as innocent as many would like to think.  Gag her with a spoon!!!!!

                                                                      Harry Britton, unfortunately, died, before any legal action was taken. So, essentially, he got away with murder.  Though I am sure right now he is roasting on a spit, over a roaring fire, with little devils stabbing at him, with pitchforks!!!!!!!!!!!!  Give him one for me, guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                        Michael Wolfe was arrested, tried and convicted. He is currently rotting in prison, where he is expected to die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                           As for Barbara...well, would you believe she is a free woman????????. She pleaded down to a lesser charge as being an accessory to murder, in order to avoid jail time.  So, Miss Bitch is out and about.

                                                                            I have news for you guys in Florida--if you ever run into this gal, do not hesitate, I repeat do NOT hesitate--RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                             Otherwise yours might be the next set of bones being dug up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. This is so sad.. I just watched it on Dateline. How could anyone live with themself. Does Barbara still have a relationship with her son. I can't see how but what do I know...

  2. Unknown,

    Good question. The son would be grown,
    now. I cannot imagine living with
    and forgiving the knowledge that she
    helped murder his father.

    Poor child, growing up.

    Barbara should do some prison time.

    But Life is not through with her, yet! She
    better watch out for more surprises!

  3. I despise women like her. She had david killed because she refused to share custody. Michael is a bad person and the actual murderer but I believe him when he said that barbara and her father came up with the plan. How evil do you have to be to lure a guy to his death? Not only did she avoid prison but she still continues to have a relationship with her son? David and his family didn't get the justice they deserve


  4. Unknown,
    I agree with you David and family
    did not get justice. But karma can
    be a bitch, and I believe eventually
    Barbara will get hers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. I can't believe what she got off with and now she gets off probation in 2 months April 2022. She should get no peace and she obviously has no remorse. I know that I don't know every detail of the whole story but she knew all these years of his demise and said nothing. There is no excuse for this.

  6. Repo,

    I agree with you. Thanks for
    your comment.
