Monday, April 15, 2013

I Get Such Sadistic Pleasure Out Of This, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Today is what most of us who are adults--and even who are not--know as Income Tax Day. I am all safely tucked and filed away, not having to think about any of this nonsense again, until next January 1, which, the way my life goes these days, will be here all too soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      I should not laugh  at the countless who may be sweating bullets right now. The ones who amaze me even more are those who don't a damn thing, and do not give it a second thought.  Even after years.  Like Grandpa in "You Can't Take It With You!"

                                        But it is not today, specifically, I get a kick out of, but the news footage that is always shown on television, yesterday--depicting overcrowded lines at the post office, some folk  down on the floor on their knees, filling out forms right there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  That is when I throw back my head, and laugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I hope never to be caught like that on film!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Tomorrow is probably the starting date for vacation for countless accountants across the country.  I wish them well.  Meanwhile, we have made it through another tax season; it is all behind  us now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Which leaves time for more important things to think about like--What the hell am I going to wear to the reunion???????????????????????

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