Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Another Feast Day Of Saint Bernadette!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Aside from this being the day, I am sure, darlings, that a lot of accountants across the country begin a much deserved and needed vacation, today is also the Feast Day of Saint Bernadette Soubirous.  I am talking about the real thing, girls, not the performance given by Jennifer Jones in the 1943 movie!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Saint Bernadette died on this day, in 1879, at the age of 35.  She was finally canonized as a saint in 1933, and this date was designated to be her feast day.

                                    So, Happy Feast Day Of Saint Bernadette to all my girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     How to celebrate it?  Watching the Jennifer Jones movie??????  Eating an omelet??????  Well, those are two good options.  Another is to go about the day exercising the example Saint Bernadette set for us--of patience, tolerance and understanding, which, in this town, honey, can sometimes be in very short supply.

                                       I am certain Saint Bernadette is watching over the victims in Boston, and their families!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        The best way to celebrate her feast day is to do an act of humanitarianism, as she would!!!!!!!!  It might not make you into Bernadette, darlings--who? me? hell, no!!!!!!!--but it will bring you closer to understanding who Bernadette was, and what she did for all while on Earth!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Go, Bernie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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