Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Let Me Tell You, Girls, Generations From Now, No One Will Be Reading Justin Bieber's Diary!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Poor Anne Frank!  She simply cannot get a break!  Elevated by tragic circumstance through no fault of her own, to Poster Child For The Holocaust, dramatized on both stage and screen, written about incessantly, like Marilyn Monroe and others, no one will let the poor thing rest in peace!!!!!!!!!

                                      And now along comes Justin Bieber!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       It seems Justin was in Amsterdam recently--whooping it up in its famed red light
district, no doubt, trying to figure out his sexual orientation-- when he took a detour and paid a visit to the Anne Frank Home and Museum.  Nothing wrong with that.

                                         Instead of coming out of the experience, as I am sure many are--and I know I would be, darlings!!!!!!!!!--profoundly moved, he salutes Anne by saying that, were she alive, she would have been a fan of his!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            There is so much wrong with that statement. First, if Anne were still here, she would be close to 94!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I don't think she would have had much time for television!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               But, more important, I would credit Anne with having more sophisticated taste, which would automatically eliminate Justin Bieber.  Too bad Meep is not still around, because I would personally love to see her bitch slap Justin, but good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 Hey,  Justin, I got news--not everyone out there is a fan of yours. Me, darlings, I could care less.  It's not all about you, Justin, and when your reign as Flavor Of The Month ends,
you will discover how many fans you actually have, and how fleeting FAME is.

                                                     Just ask Lea Michele!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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