Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Much Talked About Episode Is One Ballyhooed Fizzle, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Since it has been aired, so much has been written about, and debated on, the "Law And Order SVU" episode" called "Born Psychopath," you would think it was the greatest thing going.  It should have been, but it wasn't. It was highly overrated.

                                      What a shame, because the Law And Order franchise has led the field in its dramatic depictions of juvenile sociopathy.  Outstanding examples include "Uncivilized" in the first season of the original  "Law And Order," its reduux of two years ago, on 'SVU,' entitled "Lost Traveler," "Mean" on "SVU' back in 2004, "Killerz," with Hallee Hirsh as Jenny Brandt on the original "Law And Order," and, lastly, "Conscience," on 'SVU', featuring Kyle MacLachlan , and a chilling performance by Jordan Garrett as young sociopath Jake 0'Hara.

                                          So, when I heard they were going down this path again, and that Hope Davis would be featured as the mother, I thought this should be really good.  It was flat, contrived, and badly done.

                                           The story centered on a pair of self serving, parents, the Mesners, who are still trying to keep their place in the Yuppie race. Hope Davis did a brilliant job as Mrs. Mesner, but her character was so annoying you just wanted to shake her!  Especially after Henry (Ethan Cutosky, from "Shameless" in a performance so embarrassing he should not have been cast!!!!!!!) goes after her, and cuts, with a knife!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Henry Mesner was a carbon copy of all having gone before--Macaulay Culkin in "The Good Son" comes first to mind--and Cutosky had no subtlety or understatement necessary to be chilling in the role.  He also was not innocent looking enough to fool me, darlings, and that last shot of him in his father's arms, staring evilly into the camera, goes back to the days of Patty McCormack and "The Bad Seed."

                                               Remember the shocking climax of "The Good Son?"  Even though I felt everyone should have gone over that cliff, at least it was something.  There is no such suspense here, although I think the entire family, save for youngest daughter, Ruby, who is, clearly, the only sane one present in this family, should all be locked up for life!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 I mean, where is my damned agent? I should have been seen for Henry!
You want an evil kid?????  You want a chilling performance?  Call me, darlings!!!!!!!!!!  I could have out acted this Ethan Cutosky before he even realized anyone else was in the scene with him!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  What should have been a high point for this series turns out to be one of its lowest!!!!!!!!!!!  I see scarier kids at my subway stop each morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                      That so many people have been blown away by this episode demonstrates that either they have not seen any of the better episodes I mentioned earlier, or they are as clueless as Hope Davis' character about sociopathy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                        Burn the negatives of this one fast! An embarrassment to all!!!!!!!

                                                         I will even help light that fire, darlings!!!!!!!!!!  Heh! Heh! Heh!!!!!!!!!!

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