Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Darlings, I've Got To Go In There, Like Regina George!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 I have not seen the movie "Mean Girls," or, to be honest, given it much thought, beyond its being very entertaining, since it was first released, back in 2004.

                                  But now I am beginning to think of it more appraisingly.  With my 40th (yes, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!) high school reunion a mere four months away, I have got to plan my strategy.  I have got to march in there, and conquer all, like Rachel McAdams as Regina George!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 A high school reunion is not unlike a colonoscopy--they generally happen every five years!!!!!!!!  And while the prep for a reunion is not nearly as bad as for the other, it offers its own realms of anxiety.

                                  Some of you may ask, with all this anxiety, why would I go?  Well, curiosity is a natural factor; to see how some have turned out, and others, recently seen, have held up.  To prove to myself that I have every right to be there, as I was a member of the graduating class as well, even if my high school years did not live up to my expectations.

                                     People knew who I was, but I was never particularly noticed, the way some (like Roberta!!!!!!!!) were!  I wanted to be known, and I wanted to be recognized.  As I have mused, part of the responsibility rests with me; had I been able to stand up more for myself, perhaps things would have been different.  Or, perhaps, had I acted our more, the way I really wanted to, (like, say, getting up on top of a desk during class, and suddenly singing "Three-Five-Zero-Zero" from "HAIR," ) it  may have gotten me thrown out of HPHS, and into a school more fitting for me, as I found the overall provincialism choking.

                                        But maybe not. Because you cannot rewrite the past.  But I can be the way I am now--fabulous, self-promoting, and designer dressed.

                                          "Queer Eye For The Straight Guy?"  Hardly.  But I am telling you those there will get a full dose of 100% American homosexuality.  Who better knows how to liven up a party????????

                                               Can't wait to see your outfit, Roberta!  I only hope we don't end up wearing the same designer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  Cheers, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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