Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Darlings, Where Are Karen Severson And Laura Doyle?????????????

                                The murder of Michele "Missy" Avila, in Angeles National Forest, in California, on October 2, 1985, has to be one of the most profiled cases in recent memory. It was dramatized this past Sunday evening, on the season opener of "Unusual Suspects," on Investigation Discovery; on that same channel, the program entitled "Deadly Women," (with Candace De Long, and we just LOVE Candace, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) did a segment called "Deadly Delinquents," which featured the case.  The classic "Law And Order SVU" episode, "Mean," back in 2004, with Kelli Garner playing sociopath Brittany O' Malley, was derived from Missy's case, as was a 1992 made-for-TV film called "A Killer Among Friends."  There, the names were changed; Missy became Jenny Monroe, and her mother's name was Jean, played by Patty Duke.  Journalist Karen Kingsbury wrote about the case in her book, "Missy's Murder," which first appeared in 1991, one year before the TV movie.

                                  Like the classic 'SVU' episode, "Mean," the basic facts are the same.  Karen, Missy, and Laura had been best friends from the sandbox up.  Then came puberty, and hormones, and everything seemed to favor Missy, in terms of looks and popularity.  Miss Queen Bee Karen just could not stand that.
And neither could friend Laura.  So, on the second of October, 1985,  they lured her to the park, beat her, stabbed her, cut her hair into clumps, held her under six inches of water, in an attempt to drown her, then lifted a 100 pound tree branch, placing it on Missy's body, leaving her there.

                                     Karen really acted up a storm, moving in with Missy's family, feigning compassion, and wanting to aid in finding her friend's killer.  Eventually, someone came forward, and Karen and Laura were convicted and given prison terms.  They should have gotten Life.

                                         But they did not. And this is where the question comes in. Karen was released on December 9, 2011, after serving 21 years. She is a free woman. Laura Doyle was released in December of 2012, after serving 22 years.

                                             Let's figure, if this murder happened in 1985, and the perps were about 16, they would be in their early to mid-Forties. Take a look at these pics!  These were when they were teens, and supposedly looked their best!!!!!!!!!  With prison, and their own ugliness, think how they must look now!
                                              But where could they be?  Were they issued new identities, upon release?  One thing I am sure--they are still in California, and neither did anything worthwhile, like pursuing a degree in microbiology.

                                                 These were two real pieces of work, who deserved to rot in prison!  I hope they are given the chance to, because I hope they louse up legally again.

                                                  Who knows, darlings???????? Karen and Laura could be one of your next door neighbors!!!!!!!!!  Slam the door on them at once, in that case!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                      Maybe witch burning should be brought back, for these two!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. Well, as far as I can tell, Karen Severson was diagnosed with MS while in prison (somewhere her parole hearings in 1997 and 2003). There are pictures of both women from prison pen pal sites.

    Severson found Jesus in prison, and apparently got a doctorate in Theology during her incarceration. Much of the information about their time in prison (at least an overview) is in a blog entry (and comments) here.

  2. Not being jusmental but your best friend omg

  3. I hope they keep the 100lbs logs nd scissors away!!!
    Nd they need to let females knoe...they are psycho!
    If ur prettier then them....WATCH OUT!

    & found god?! Please...o i ddnt know he was lost....

  4. they are very dangerous and can be trusted they need to be put back in jail and thow away the key.

  5. they can not be trusted when they kill they will kill again put them back in jail were they belong.

  6. Karen Severson (the TRUE author's name – not KAY CRAYNE) has written this book that to shine a positive light onto the murder done by her own hands. My friend Missy Avila's life was ended by this monster as well as two others. They murdered her and left her alone in the woods to die. Heartless and evil, this person moved in with the victim's family, pretending to grieve, and even attempted to assist in solving the murder case. She is nothing but cruel and evil.
    Evil has many faces and this is one of them. Every penny used to buy this book should be donated to the memory of Missy Avila, who has family and friends who have missed her dearly for many many years now. This book is intended to do nothing but profit off a murder evilly concocted many years ago.
    She claimed to have found the lord – that’s great, but we still loss our friend in the most horrible, evil way we could, The Avila’s still loss their Daughter and their sister.

    1. Continuing from last mssg: I literally know how you feel and I'm truly sorry for your loss. I hope you can find a way to forgive them to a degree as hatred eats you up. I had to do it with the guy who lit the fire. The outcome of his behaviour is devastating and that never goes away but after decades and more grown up I can understand how it wasn't treated properly. He died too. I've not figured out how to forgive myself yet, but I'm working on it. I understand if Miss

    2. Miss Irene doesn't want to forgive though. It feels like a betrayal to Missy and for me betrayal to my bros. The murderers seem mentally ill to be so

    3. Brazen after what they did. That's someone mentally sick in the head. I don't know how they could do that.? I hope you have some peace at least.

  7. The book is called Hope beyond the Fences. I thought convicted murderers were not allow to profit from their crimes?

  8. Yea, Severson has a face book page. No pics of her. She uses those animated pics. She says on her status that her book is on the NY best sellers list. I'm gonna check it out. Murderer has friends, a boyfriend, happy happy happy. Makes me sick...... If it were my sister, I'd hunt her down and make her life miserable. So much for fuckin' karma. Oh I'm so mad. I've had to put up with jealous bitches my whole life. Its a wonder some bitch hasn't killed me. Jealousy has caused me so much pain. I guess this is why I'm angry as hell right now. Just watched the story (again) on Discovery ID. I am so sorry for the family. Haunt that bitch when you die. I guess the other one is dead.

    1. New York times bestseller list OMG is there any end to her lies? She also was caught writing glorious reviews of her own book under phony names and then posting them to amazon and ebooks. New York times bestseller list, what a hoot! I really don't understand why everyone is so afraid of her Making any money on her so called, 'true story' she hasn't and never will make a f'n dime from a diluted fabricated (e book none the less) written by someone who appears to be limited to a 6th or 7th grade command of the English language. First of all only hardcopies masterly crafted by true artisty and imagination make it to the New York times bestseller list. It's an exclusive club my friends and trust me, she is no Emily Dickinson. On top of everything I just said there was absolutely nobody interested in her or her so called true story. It's published only in ebook by LTD. publishing and distributing. That's a Christian bookseller a company that through there good nature initially may have thought that Karen may be a true story of tragedy and redemption. That should give you insight into how and why one single publisher in the entire world gave it a shot and lost, even Christian book makers can be duped and then feel outrage and betrayed. After hearing all the public outrage and I imagine that LTD. must have seen at least some of her television appearances in all the interviews I clinched my teeth though, she still has not 1 percent of a drop 💧 of remorse and still continues to blame Missy for her own death so in turn LTD. is now giving away the ebook for free in the only 2 places one can find it (ebooks and amazon) although I did hear a rumor that amazon went back on that arrangement and put a small price on it again but no one is buying check out the reviews. It's sounds illegal to me but LTD. is a small fish in the pond and simply are incapable of going up against the big guns of a World Wide company who is the U.S. Alone pulls in over 10 million dollars every 90 minutes. As a true psychopath in her head she would actually believe that anything she wrote automatically made it to highly garnered levels of literary greatness. If you truly can bear it go to you tube and catch some of her interviews. She now believes that she is a celebrity expert in anti bullying education. Catch the one that she did with radio one I could barely watch it showing up ugly as sin, kind of a Keith Richards lookalike, dressed in rags and trying to portray herself as this imaginary celebrity do gooder. Maybe a psychopath like Ted Bundy who was extremely disarming becoming of his good looks and an extremely high IQ could pull off sincerity and pass off lies as if they where the God's truth and make what she was trying to do work but but remember with Karen we have to deal and live with one of the lowest dregs of society that ever was born. By the way she also states now in her interviews that that in a way we (meaning those of us that are normal) are all guilty of this pointless murder because all her negative reviews spread across the Internet and other media are nothing more than slander committed against her. You know if God himself came down and said to her directly, 'Karen you are wrong' she would scream back at him 'NO she sleeped with my boyfriend' which is also a lie, it was ex-boyfriend that she was still stalking. Finally if you do catch the radio 101 interview catch the interviewers face who placed her chair at least 12 to 15 feet away from her. Her mouth is agape in disbelief, she can barely get out a question and Her eyes are completely bugged out and confused and it plainly obvious what she's thinking, that this is one bug nuts crazy chick. Sincerely Arthur

    2. One more update, keeping it in the family in an interview with Karen's daughter Stephanie. Showing up just as unattractive as mom tattoo up and with enough metal body piercings to build a car, when asked who in this world is her inspiration she replied, 'My mom' NOW WHAT THE F__K IS WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE? And for all Karen's claims that all she did was push Missy let's examine the facts. Missy weighted reportedly under 100 pounds. Laura Doyle was taller than Missy but was a string bean who herself even though she was taller couldn't have weighed to much more than a hundred pounds herself, now look at Karen Severson 5ft.2inchs and a 200 hundred pound blob of disgusting flesh. So if Laura was trying to drown Missy who weighed almost the same when Missy finally needed a breath for anyone who has experienced that feeling you know that one will fight back with ferocity but if the person trying to do the drowning weights almost the same all that is going to happen is a long drawn out, rolling, tumbling fight to get free in the water. But who weighing 1 tenth of a ton had the weight and ability to sit on Missy's back and keep her completely still and unable to fight back and complete the drowning in just a few minutes, remember Eva the 4 attacker who got smart and got away with murder, stated that once Karen and Laura started beating her she ran back to the car and she believed the other 2 returned in 5 minutes or less. Results- Karen was definitely hands on and in the water drowning Missy now it's possible that Laura sat on her head while Karen sat on her back but after watching the interviews I truly believe that Karen whated the pleasure all for herself. And I'm going to say this again because so many people on this site are upset because they believe that true karma or spiritual retribution or what goes around comes around isn't happening here. SHE HAS MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS that is the best kind of spiritual retribution or Karma that one can ask for. She was diagnosed 10 years ago so she is on borrowed time right now in one interview she was shown only from the waist up however there was a very brief shot of her entire body and it showed her right leg propped up by a chair heavily bandaged like a Frankenstein foot and leg almost up to the knee which make me think he has finally hit stage 1 of the disease. Which means within 2 years she most likely be wheelchair bound with studdering problems. She made this far with the use of interferon which contributes to longevity and sooths the linings of the nerves but it's no cure (doesn't anybody remember what that disease did to Richard Pryor) it's a 4 stage progression as your own body eats you alive from the inside. She will horrifically suffer almost as long as the 23 and 1 half years she spent in prison. Like I said before until she hits level four and she is nothing more than a ghost or more aptly stated a real life zombie in appearance,nothing more than skin over bones with a skull and hair on top with bulging blind eyes unable to speak. Let me tell you if God told me that I have to either die today by being skinned alive and then electrocuted or I can stay alive for 15 to 25 more years but with M. S. I'd say bring on the fillet knive and thank him humbly. And regarding her Facebook page remember she's a psycopath in her interviews she lies, in high school she was renowned for her meanstreak and cruelty as well as being a well know lier cheat and thief and let's not forget promiscuous. 1 abortion and than a child that she would leave in the car every night as she went from party to party. Come on be real she is one terrible lonely person right now. Think about it, would you befriend her even if you forgave her?

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Karen Severson and parole? These two pieces shouldn't fit together in this God forsaken puzzle and how does the mastermind and dievient, murderess have her parole granted two years before her accomplice. I can tell you that justice becomes a different ideal when it gets behind the closed doors of our American courtrooms as opposed to the publics perception of what it is. Our Constitution grauntees a right to justice not absolute justice, for prepatrators and victims.These two were lucky in their trail. In many states if a person simply thinks a second before a murder that they are going to kill their victim it constitutes premeditated murder, many killers have been put away for life under these circumstances. These two plotted out their plan for two weeks before deciding it was the day and quite a step by step plan it was.Their luck was a weak prosecutor too lazy to make the jury understand how much forethought Karen and Laura put into this crime.An unprepared prosecutor resulting in a confused jury had no choice but to come back with second degree, a trail judge beguiled by a lamentable prosecution simply couldn't see the consummate evil in these two. The norm for second degree is 25 to life but this judge went under the norm and handed down 15 to life Christ, I'm wondering why he didn't hand them the keys to the prison as well. Karen was not granted parole because of good behavior or enough time served , she would have remained in prison if she had not contracted M. S.. The decision to release her was multifaceted motivated by her disease and cost of keeping her weighted against the likelihood of someone so ill ever reoffending. Karen was diagnosed in 2003 at that time she would have been put on interferon. Back peddle to her final parole hearing.She still denied murdering Missy and puts the blame on Missy for her own murder To the parole board of all people. No one is EVER granted parole if they refuse to accept responsibility, when asked if she could say that she was sorry to anyone, who would that be ? Her reply was Missy's mother and her daughter but never mentioned Missy, sick, however I believe she could have told the porole board to go fuck themselves and leaped upon their table, and urinated all over their briefcases while chanting, 'I wanna kill, I wanna kill', and she still would have been released. Why? Because the interferon had become ineffective and she finally hit stage one. The state of California now had a extremely sick person imprisoned and was faced with a difficult decision - do we keep her and spend possibly millions simply to house her until her death.They also realized that with M.S.and the diseases debilitating affects that it's unlikely that she would reoffend in the same manner. What the state of California did in their opinion was a very prudent decision and it was, just dump that evil on the California welfare system she is absolutely incapable of murdering again even if she has the bloodlust of a werewolf. She will lose that telemarketing job when she's hits second stage and is using a walker and studdering since she has never worked and contributed to social security she doesn't even qualify for a monthly social security check. I have to admit in spite of my chosen profession I've become jaded. I've seen repeat child predators receive 6 months jail, a young innocent college girl get 10 years without parole and Her life ruined simply because she was with a date and he was arrested on an outstanding warrant for drug sales, this young lady never had as much as a parking ticket but since she couldn't testify against him (she only met him 4 days before) she received the same charge and punishment. She's still in prison and Karen is out. From what I've seen and deals made justice and so called prison reform behind those doors I spoke of earlier justice has become nothing more than a dark draconian system moving closer to our medeviel counterparts. Burn in hell Karen! Sincerely Arthur

  9. i hope for the rest of their pathetic lives they are haunted by those screams and crying they did to missy. i hope they dream about it and cant sleep. i hope it haunts them forever.

  10. now 25 march of 2014. i was seeing id investigation. i cant believe it. they dont gave soul. they are bad persons and Our lord God have the truth in your hands in the other life.

  11. pages posted of Karen Kay Severson crayne's book are posted here...don't buy her book ....don't support her profiting from her crime https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Michele-Missy-Avila-Page/709043439135368

  12. Ms. Severson: As both a Psychiatric Nurse and Legal Nurse Consultant for more than 25 years (10 of which I spent working in jails and prisonsacross the nation), I was not only disturbed to find that not only had you produced a book involving the brutal, heinous and cruel murder you committed, but also that instead of finding a way to pay restitution to your victim's family, be it financially or by deed, you chose to pen a defensive, "poor me" tome apparently describing yourself as some sort of "victim" who should be exonerated for literally destroying and obliterating a once living, breathing human being. While I have indeed reminded those I work with as well as those in my personal life (a rather substancial amount of influential people) not to purchase this "fruit of the poisoned tree", I've also urged them to pass it along. We all agree with the growing number of people boycotting this nonsensical American blasphemy and support any legislation prohibiting you from gaining profit in any way from your psychopathy and resultant murder. Additionally, there are millions of children who are adopted, millions of children who are abused, millions of obese teenagers, millions of relatively unattractive people and millions of any other narcissitic, self-absorbed people in this country, and truly, in this world who do not commit murder, who do not beat, stab, brutalize and drown strangers, let alone those who love and trust them. They make healthy, law-abiding choices and become productive citizens each and every day. Only those with a LIFELONG psychopathy hardwired into their brains commit the type of murder you inflicted and the biggest elephant in the room that showcases the depths of your depravity? You butchered a child then deliberately lived with your victim's mother to satisfy your lust for power and stroke your ego not only by "secretly" inflicting daily pain on your victim's family, but in believing yourself to be more clever than those around you. These are textbook, lifelong traits and no amout of Jailhouse Jesusry will change your brain chemistry. The number of inmates who "find Jesus" while incarcerated for violent crimes is so infinite the inmates themselves laugh about it, so frankly, your rookie attempt to jump on the Jailhouse Jesus Wagon is, to be quite honest, predictable, juvenile, and boring. I know this won't satisfy the murderous mentality built into your mind, body and soul, but instead of boring people with your droning laments about "poor you" and trying to shovel a stable full of worn out horse manure about finding religion in prison, why not stop insulting Christ and find a way to spend the rest of your life paying REAL restitution to your victim's family and to other families who've had their children/loved ones ripped away and destroyed by those with psychopathic borderline personality disorder? Teach others how to keep themselves and their children safe from human beings like you. They want to believe in monsters because it scares them to understand they share a planet with real HUMAN beings just like you. Use your insight into the darkness within you and the REAL workings of your diseased mind to help others. That, would be a noble calling for you; much moreso than wasting your time in self-pity, denial, lies and deceit in the Name of God. It really makes your publisher and distributors look deluded and foolish, too.

    1. I couldnt have said it better my self!

    2. AMEN!! thank you for your very moving statement to the monster she is! I don't believe anyone could have said it any better than you! Much heart filled thanks for putting all our feelings into words so easily read 💗

    3. Nailed it! I'm not trained in psychiatry at all but the behaviour after the murder is beyond disturbing. That is a psychiatric disorder that no amount of prison or Jesus can fix. I developed chronic PTSD after a tragedy in my family. I've learned the hard way how it affects my life. And that's cos I knew something was wrong. Karen Severson is still minimising what she did. Which to me makes her a danger to society.

    4. She never made any money from the book. They gave the book away for free so she wouldn't profits if I goggle it it comes up.
      They should both still be inside for what they need not out having a life.

  13. And if you're sexually aroused by the fact that any attention is better than no attention at all, don't flatter yourself. Borderline Personality Disorders with the same, old psychopathies just aren't that interesting or important to those of us who get plenty of admiration and attention in our real lives.

  14. I read the book and saw the movie. It is very disturbing indeed that females especially can be so evil. I had a so called friend in high school who was jealous of me and I didnt see it until years later. I am now reading my diary from the high school years and it is so clear to me now that I too could have been a victim.

    1. Im happy you are ok. I went through the same thing. Not only was it other girls in highschool that were jealous of me but my sister and my niece were as well. And im happy that I saw what was going on before it was too late and got the hell out of dodge. God was good to us girl.

  15. While her murder is horrible I feel you're proselytizing her as this great beauty is laughable. She was of small stature, with a bulbous nose and large forehead. Youth does not equate beauty regardless of what the media forces down our throats. She was, if anything, not ugly. Beautiful she was definitely not.

    1. Jealousy among women is lethal

    2. Used, what are you fifthteen or is this Karen? I am absolutely insulted intellectually and spiritual not only because of your indifference and stupidity but also because of your complete waste of time and space on this column and because you took one of the most horrific, unadulterated, pointless,ruthless, vicious, evil, sociopathic murders in all of California's history or the United States for that matter and the only thing that your 1 digit IQ could find to get upset about is that people are calling her a beauty, what an a__! Something I noticed in you worthless statement is that you write it with in a way that leaves readers with the assumption that you personally knew her but what I find extremely curious is that you don't reveal who you are but instead chose a username entitled, 'USED', NOW WHAT THE F__K IS WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE and what do you have to feel used about? I know for a fact that Karen reads all this internet stuff, she admitted to it in some of her interviews and went as far as saying that it was all, 'slander against her', much more than curious and the only thought that I have that makes any sense of the sloppy and pointless and all the out of left field comments and complete error on the part of, 'USED' would be that that person is absolutely stupid or Karen herself or a friend or associate. But that's a shot in the dark come forward, 'USED' and reveal yourself. For the record only a 1 or 2 digit IQ 'D cro_magon like Karen knowing full well that the entire country has seen dozens of pictures of Missy would try to force feed us that she was more unattractive then attractive with a bulbous nose could only come from the sick mind of someone who desperately wants to believe it themselves for the record I've lived this senseless murder since the day it happened or more aptly stated the day it the media broke the murder and I've seen all of Missy's pictures. Bulbous nose, NOT, high forehead YES but not unattractive in the least she also had long beautiful flowing hair and petite. The perfect American girl next door type and if she was my girl next door, in spite of all her well documented problems as most teenagers have I would have been chasing her little skirt all around the neighborhood. What we really need to do here is correct your user name if your not Karen but just someone as dumb as a bag of rocks, then pointless and stupid should be it.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. I apologize for being so angry with, 'USED' but in my profession it was my job to read between the lines in a most finite way and in 27 years I became quite good at it. Because of this talent in my circles I was given the nickname, 'bone crusher', not as a negative but because I could see many things that others couldn't and then help resolve the issue at hand in a fashion that could be advantageous for all or very unlucky for one. NOBODY and I mean NOBODY selects the username, 'USED' for ANY reason much less a murder unless they thought they were clever in criptically sending a poor me message while speaking in the first person using an almost nonobtrusive adjective like horrible to downsize the emmenseity of this crime then concentrates on the very attractiveness that they were trying to destroy as if it was the most important part of this sick and devious crime and an excuse! I didn't catch the Dr. Phil show because I never watch daytime opportunists and Dr Phil is one of the worst. His job is to exploit as many people in a week as he can however from what I understand from all the negative comments about Karen after the show this is one case where Dr Phil may have actually acted in a public service capacity. He brought her on the show to exploit her and exploit her he did. One comment that hit me right in the heart was from a man who watched the show said that she was so insincere and transparent that one could almost see her skeleton. Dr Phil and Ltd. Publishing very effectively put an end to any more opportunities for public appearances for Karen. Because of this I tried to go back and revisit the radio 101 interview that I spoke of earlier. I wanted to watch it all the way through this time. The first time around I couldn't tolerate all her b. s. and out and out lies so I quit the interview before it was half over but to my surprise, 'you tube' has removed almost all of her uploads. There are only 3 short clips now . One I believe is a hoax that shows her talking backwards on the Dr Phil show because she supposedly couldn't or refused to respond to her role in her murder. The second is a short pre Dr Phil spoiler and the third is the last 5 minutes of the radio 101 interview. I was surprised to see that Shannon Fox was now sitting directly across from her trying to ask questions however Karen was over talking Shannon by going on and on about her new affiliation with the Los Angeles police department and all the charities she's donating to (from what her telemarketing wages, so laughable) and for the record I called the Los Angeles police, human relations dept. and they infallible denied not only not having anything to do with her but stated that they would never would. For the record, she never earned any degrees,e jerry suggested that she earned a doctorate in theology so she is Dr Severson now, a professor, how f'n ludicrous nor is she touring schools or has she ever made the N. Y.Times bestseller list nor will her 8 th grade writing abilities make to any kind of list unless it the worst of the worst list or Satan's bestseller list. Now I understand how everyone commenting on this site is absolutely heartbroken and outraged just as I feel like a searing knife has been plunged right through not only my heart but my senseability's as well but her 15 desperately attempted minutes of fame are coming to a close and it's my opinion that we need to completely erase her. It's obvious she's finished and when you hear another of her lies, forget it, she's psychotic every thing she says is a lie so understand that and forget it. We need to let her fall back into the darkest corners of obscurity and die the justified death that God handed down because all we are doing by continually commenting is keeping her alive and inadvertently promoting a legend. Sincerely Arthur .

  16. Don't say the name of the book she wrote, she shouldn't be making any money off of this heinous crime. Don't worry all! what goes around comes around, if not in this life, the next....

  17. "August 9, 2014 at 5:43 PM"

    I wouldn't be surprised if "used" is the murderer herself. What a disgusting, evil person.

    1. Adam, you have no idea how close to the truth I believe you are.

  18. I am in awe at what drove these idiots to murder this girl. I realize no one is perfect, but good grief. All of this over a guy? I'm not clear why people do things like this, and expect to just be accepted. Whatever GOD has planned for these two is gone be good. Karma comes full circle. How do u sleep at night knowing that u just murdered one of GOD's creations?

  19. http://youtu.be/8riohb68Hws This is Posted from the Avila Family!

  20. It's quite clear Severson still has not accepted responsibility for what she did. FoxNews quotes her as saying:

    “I pushed her,” she said. “I was tired. I was frustrated. All this stuff, everything we were accusing her of, she knew she did it, but not one time did she say sorry.”

    Why does she think any of that matters? She still seems to believe she was somewhat justified in murdering an innocent person simply because the person was allegedly sleeping with her boyfriend. What a piece of trash. Amazing they let her go.


  22. So, now she is an anti-bullying crusader? Hah! I say much too little, and MUCH MUCH too late!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  23. I read a interview Karen said she is sorry for the death but she didn't do it herself and she only meant ot terrorize Missy and that Missy never apologized ot her for what she did with her boyfriend Typical unrepentant Sociopath


  24. Exactly! Once a sociopath, always a sociopath!

  25. I am not exonerating Laura but i will give her this she has admitted ot the truth they planned ot kill Missy and they did thats more than Karen has done she still will not take responsibility for her crime that being said Life should have been given they should have died in prison But Karen has MS so what goes around came around and I am sure Karen does think about she was obsessed with Missy then and she probably is now she relishes her crime not regrets it

  26. Did not know about the MS. You are right--what goes around comes around. I have always believed that

  27. I know as a good christian I should not say what goes around comes around but its true

  28. No Money should go to anyone from that book even to the family its an insult its like here I am sorry your daughter died but here is some blood money from the publisher Karen never said sorry

  29. I agree with all who say the writer should not benefit. For all my interest in this topic, I had no idea there was a book out there on it, by one of the perps. Even now that I know, rest assured I plan NOT to read it!!!!!!!!!!!!

  30. It shouldn't be allowed that any criminal can profit off of their horrible crimes, in any state! When I saw in an article that the book was being offered "free", I decided to look it up to verify if it was in fact free. I did notice that some people had posted comments about Amazon having the book posted for free, but I guess "free" didn't last long. The book is on Amazon and Barnes and Noble for around $9 bucks!!! Why is this ridiculous book that is told through the murders perspective (which is completely distorted by the way) for sale through these highly popular sites????? I'm still in shock at the fact that these two heartless individuals did not get life in prison!!! My heart goes out to Missy and her family.

  31. I think I found her FB page. She has a son and it says ages an RN @ Mission hospital in California.

    1. Dear mom's a joker, it must be the wrong Facebook page or for some psychotic reason Karen is lying about this as well. It's a well documented fact that at thirteen years of age Karen became pregnant but aborted the fetus however the following year she did get pregnant again(Karen and Laura Doyle were both the Jr. High school mattresses) and gave birth to a girl that she named after her sister, 'Stephanie' so unless she became pregnant in prison she's lying. Maybe to protect the true identity of her child, who knows what learks in the dark, twisted mind of Karen Severson! And for the record Stephanie is not a nurse or any other kind of professional. As I mentioned in a prior review she showed up to her interview after her mother's release, tattooed up and with enough body piercings to build a car and claimed no profession at all. I've never seen Karen's Facebook page and have absolutely no interest in finding it however this claim to a successful son instead of acknowledging her true daughter who appears to me to have rolled from and into the same cycle of poverty that is Karen's and Her family's legacy most likely for many prior generations, fits perfectly with all the other lies mentioned on this site that she has told on her Facebook page including but not limited to, her poorly written e-books are on the NY times bestseller list, that she is now Dr. Severson (PHD.), that she contributes to many, many anti-bullying organizations, and my personal favorite lie is that she is now allied with the Los Angeles police department and is now a highly sought after celebrity anti - bullying expert going from school to school warning are children to refrain from becoming a bully. I could go on and on about this deeply evil and dreg of our society but this is almost December of 2015 and for all the right reasons everyone has forgotten and ostracized her, you know if you really think about it Karen was born to late and Laura Doyle as well because in 1969 they would have fit perfectly in the Charlie Mason clan. Sincerely Arthur

  32. I wouldn't worry to much about Karen making any money with her book or even made for tv or independent movie rights they just don't pay much and as I write this Missy's mother is hard at work with the California state Senate trying to reinstate the, 'Son of Sam law' which makes it illegal for a murderer or criminal to became a profiteer from their crimes .Most people don't realize that our first amendment right to free speech is not absolute there are exceptions to that right and under no circumstances are those types of speech allowed under constitutional law, slander, libel are a few examples of those exceptions and with a new stronger, forward thinking collective voice in california, Missy's mom has a excellent chance to rain on Karen's sociopathic head. I sincerely don't believe that Karen's book will make the New York times bestseller list or any other list. There is no real interest in her or her book anywhere. Amazon got to the point where they started offering it for free. I just finished watching what I believe was a book pre-release interview with Karen. Although prison life is most likely behind her weight loss she is ugly physically and emotionally and with the help of prison she looks at least 15 years older than her true age sagging face with wrinkles and everything else one would see in the face of someone who is 60ish, she still shows no remorse and blames Missy for her own death, at one point in the interview she became absolutely livid when asked a question about her guilt and her role in this very sad and pointless murder. She just completely lost it and blurted out and this is verbatim, 'AT LEAST I ADMITTED WHAT I DID, MISSY SLEPT WITH BOTH OF OUR BOYFRIENDS AND SHE KNEW IT BUT SHE WOULDN'T ADMIT IT' wow! that really makes me want to just run out right now and pick up a copy I'm sure with her limited vocabulary and her stellar command of the English language it will keep me absolutely riveted until I'm finished and it leaves me wanting more, NOT! and just for a little extra measure, LOL!! I heard that she wrote the book to quote, unquote, 'to put a positive light on the murder she committed. That leaves me scratching my head. How does one put a positive light on one of the most vicious,ruthless, pointless, evil sociopathic murders in the history of California and written by the sociopath that committed the murder. My God is there irony in that? The irony is that after watching the interview she actually is beguiled by the idea of getting rich and actually believes that she is very clever and popular and that people are going to flock to her book in droves. For all of you that are angry that she has won her freedom, trust me when I say she hasn't won anything and she is far from free. Remember she contracted multiple sclerosis while in prison she did nothing more than exchange one prison for another much, much more horrific prison. Believe me she was better off in prison where she would have access to better medical care then the California welfare system instead at the end of her progression through her disease and the true nature of public health care she is going to end in a truly dirty smelly unsympathetic nursing home. What can I say except that I am overwhelmingly delighted My only wish is that she is not one of the people who contract this disease and then mercifully dies within a year however the odds are on my side that she will live to horribly suffer for 10 to 15 years until she has progressed to stage 4 and she is nothing more than a lifeless skeleton with a skull on top in agonynising pain, blind, unable to speak, feed intravenously with some poor sap that has to constantly change her diaper and wipe her backside until she finally dies in a most disgusting welfare nursing home and they finally drop her in a hole with no headstone and she won't be covered with a log and it won't be ashes to ashes dust to dust it will be dirt to dirt. I find that fitting.

  33. Arthur,

    I agree with you entirely about her behavior. Of
    course she will deny murdering Missy. As for
    the MS, in most it would be unfortunate, for her
    it is karma coming home to roost!

    1. Dear Raving Queen, I removed some of my comments tonight because I realized that I was replying to guite a few individuals with the same information and redundancy really doesn't offer anything fresh to your column. I also removed my response to your, 'thank you and kind words' because when I woke up I also realized that it was more information nessasary when my original intent was to simply thank you. So Raving Queen, thank you. Sincerely Arthur

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. Oh, Kelly, honey,
    Laura Doyle is a sociopath. They all were, when
    they murdered Missy, and that does not change.
    You are just being manipulated by her, the way
    sociopaths zero in on those they can. As for
    her having a cat, don't ever dine there, darling;
    you cannot be sure what is on the menu!

  37. does anyone know if Karen severson is related to eddie vedder of pearl jam? his father's last name was severson. his mother's name is Karen. eddie vedder's father died of MS. too much of a coincidence


  38. Frankly, I never gave that a thought, so I cannot really say. I hope not. And if they are related, I am sure he would want to distance himself from a monster, like Karen!!!!!!!!!

  39. Well, all I can say is don't go for a walk in the woods with either one of them.


  40. Marie,

    Do you mean the book journalist Kingsley wrote,
    or Karen, herself? If Karen, I had no idea it
    had been written or published. Was never aware
    of it. But thanks!

  41. Couldn't of said it better...both were ugly then and now

  42. So I personally would be interested in reading Karen's book. I love true crime and believe there are two sides to every story and somewhere in the middle is the truth. I did read "Missy's Murder" and found it a bit slanted. I do not believe Missy was perfect and farted sunshine. I have seen her pictures and think the author went a little far in making her sound like Miss America. I believe Karen's description that Missy got mouthy and cursed at them. Did she deserve to die? No but none of us really know if she was promiscuous. Again that doesn't mean she deserved what she got but maybe she should have toned it down a bit. I mean the book I read described her as having a "friend with benefits". That doesn't sound like someone pure and perfect to me. The girls most likely have some sort of mental disorder. These ladies did the crime, served the time and need to be left alone.

  43. I'm not sure what planet you drifted in here from. Two sides to every story- you mean one where there was a confession and the person is a CONVICTED murderer and the other side is DEAD? One side where someone is still alive an breathing and able to spew forth lies and the other is DEAD? Your sense of compassion is over whelming. GTFA


  44. Julee,

    I am with you on all you said.
    Whether Missy was promiscuous or not
    does not mean she deserved murder, or
    gave her perps the right to do such a
    heinous thing!

  45. I just watched something about this on netflix...Moving in with her mother....She clearly wanted to be Missy... and did so for quite some time ...Is the girl that came forth in some sort of wit sec... I mean for her to walk away free as well... that's mind boggling..The only way I see that happening is witness protection


  46. Mr. Bones,

    I agree with you, but she does
    not deserve Witness Protection.
    People like this should not
    be among society. They
    will surely kill again. Missy
    was done over jealousy; who's
    to say it won't surface again,
    or even another twisted, unknown

  47. I saw the Dr. Phil show, and it made me sick she denies having anything to do with killing Missy, and
    blames it all on Laura Doyle, and her roommate Eva. She claims she left, and Laura and Eva killed
    Missy, what a crock of shit

  48. I saw the Dr. Phil show, and it made me sick she denies having anything to do with killing Missy, and
    blames it all on Laura Doyle, and her roommate Eva. She claims she left, and Laura and Eva killed
    Missy, what a crock of shit


  49. Anonymous,

    I could not agree with you more.

  50. Sounds pretty premeditated to me. Why else would they all hop in a car to a remote forest? I do not believe they went there for the fun of it. Its also sad that Eva never came forward until 3 years later to say what she knew about Missy's murder as she was with them. How can Karen even sleep at night knowing she wouldn't admit the truth of her role and the real story? Beyond sick! I feel sad knowing Karen the killer, moved into Missy's home and fooled Missy's family too! Glad the book of BS that was out was also pulled from web sales too!

  51. Watch out for these whores they might do it again

  52. Watch out for these whores they might do it againnothing but low life's

  53. unknown: no reason to use "what goes around comes around", there is a much better Christian version: "what you sow you shall reap"

  54. Unknown,

    Good point, and in future posts I may
    just use it. The other one always comes
    first to my mind.
