Friday, April 26, 2013

Do Any Of MY Girls Need Cascade Kitchen Counselor???????????

                                    I just love these commercials, darling, featuring actress Beth Littleford, in the title role!!  When I first saw it, I was somewhat taken aback.  I thought it was some blonde wannabe doing yet another impersonation of Diane Dykeman, who was just a big old wannabe, herself!!!!!!!!!!  But, as the ads evolved into a series, I came to love Beth in the role, and look forward to current, past, and future ads.

                                     Let's face it, what a great gig for Beth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      But do my girls need Kitchen Counselor????????  I certainly hope not, darlings, because I expect everyone out there to keep their kitchen and the bathroom--the most widely used rooms in any home--fresh and sparkling!!!!!!!!!!!  That's right--fresh and sparkling!!!!!!!!!!!  Just like mine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         I certainly do not need Kitchen Counselor!  Though, to be honest, I do get a little--actually a LOT of--help in this department from Monsieur, who is as good as any Kitchen Counselor out there!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            We don't have a dishwasher, so we don't need Cascade. My mother, I remember, had one, and I know she used Cascade.  I would have loved to see the go-to between she and Kitchen Counselor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                Kind of like me, in a bookstore!  Or a theater, when the house doors first open!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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