Friday, April 26, 2013

This Was Clearly The Opening Of The Season!!!!!!!!!! So, How Come I Was Not Invited????????

                                            Darlings, don't you think Fran Lebowitz is looking a little peaked these days??????  When I first saw this photo, I thought, "My God!  Is she ill????????"

                                               Nevertheless, when you have she, Graydon Carter AND Diane Von Furstenberg  in attendance at the same event, the question must be asked--where in hell was the Raving Queen?????????  And what on earth was the event???????????

                                                  The first can be answered easily; it was the opening night of the Bette Midler-Sue Mengers play, "I'll Eat You Last!"  The second is more difficult to ponder--it boils down to the unthinkable--

                                                     I SIMPLY WAS NOT ASKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     Such a thing sounds inconceivable, I know!  I think the reason, for both Fran and Graydon, stems from my not having yet visited them at the Waverly Inn, taking up residence, alongside Fran's table!!!!!!!!!  Which I have planned to do for some time, but, with my schedule, dolls, I can only be in so many places, at once!  When one is the Raving Queen, darlings, everyone wants a piece of the action, and, most especially, of my time!  I am only human, loves!!!!!!!!!  I have only so much to give!  And I do not want to burn myself out, like Bette at the end of "The Rose!!!!!!!!!!"

                                                       As for Diane, darlings, we have not been able  to coordinate our schedules enough to have lunch, especially downtown at the once randy Meatpacking District,  (which I only know about by hearsay, girls!!!!!!!!!!) after which I can stroll into Diane's scrumptious little boutique around 14th Street, or thereabouts, where I know she will let me pick out the most fetching purse or reticule!!!!!!!!

                                                        But I can't schmooze, dolls, if I am not invited!  How I was omitted from this theatrical list is a mystery, but it will not be happening again!!!!!!!!.  Otherwise I may have to take strong actions!  Like forcing those who omit me to read Joan Didion!!!!!!!!!!!  Don't push me, darlings, I can do it!!!!!!!!

                                                          Fran, Graydon, and Diane!  What an evening of glamour!  I should have been there, to witness it all!

                                                           And Fran really IS looking haggard, isn't she, loves??????????

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