Friday, April 26, 2013

"Four Great Candies In One Great Bar????" So, How Come This Never Went Anywhere????????

"Sky Bar! Gives you four!
Caramel Crunch!
Peanut Toffee!
Chocolate Fudge!
Vanilla Chew!
Rich milk chocolate, best by far!
Four great candies, in one great bar!
Sky Bar!  
Gives you four!
Sky Bar gives you four!"
--Sky Bar TV ad jingle

This song was sung throughout my Sixties TV childhood, whenever this candy bar would be advertised on TV!!!!!!!!!!!  I loved the colorful candy wrapping; between that and the song, I was anxious to sample a Sky Bar.  But they were very hard to find, in the candy stores of my day.  And when I finally did sample one, to be honest, the experience was less than satisfying.  In fact, it did not taste good at all!
Why????????  Did you know it was first on the market, back in 1938, long before I, or any of MY girls on here, were born????????  It was manufactured by Necco, which was supposedly one of the first candy manufacturers in the United States!!!!!!  And herein lies the problem!
It simply did not taste good.  The ingredients, from the chocolate, to the fillings, were, frankly, crappy!
Had this been turned out by Mars, Nestle, or Hershey, I am sure the results would have been different, I would have gobbled up Sky Bars during my childhood, recalling them fondly today, and it might still
be more visible on the market NOW!  As it is, it is as less visible than in my day!  Some thins never change!
Necco was a candy company who sucked!  Their ingredients were cheap, and they tasted like it. Most kids, in my day, once sampling a Sky Bar, did not come back for more.  And are not about to, today???????
And darlings, I ask you, what the hell is a Vanilla Chew????????????

1 comment:

  1. In the 60's, I was gobbling Sweet Tarts and Pixie Stix (remember THOSE?). It's a wonder I have a tooth in my head!
