Thursday, April 11, 2013

Girls, Take This Cookie Monster, And Chop Him Down To Size!!!!!!!!!

                                   Call it a case of Advanced Placement Panhandling, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    One of the negative fall outs from the al fresco, promenaded Times Square, is the proliferation of people dressed up in character costumes.  Naively, at first, I thought they were actors, publicizing either TKTS, or goods from nearby stores.

                                       But, with the arrest, earlier this week, of 33-year-old Osvaldo Quiroz-Lopez, this week's winner of the Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award, I am forced to change my mind.  The bulk of these costumed creatures are not actors, but simply panhandlers trying to eke out a living.

                                         Which is what got Osvaldo into trouble.  Posing as a friendly Cookie Monster, he willingly posed for a picture, with a two-year-old child. But, when the child's mother refused to fork over $2 (all this for only two bucks, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!)  Cookie Monster turned.....well, monstrous, by pushing the child, harassing the mother, and generally causing enough of a nuisance that caused him to be taken away, and arrested on assault and child endangerment charges!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              I mean, are these people stupid??????????  Guess so!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And what about copyright infringement; can Henson Associates go after these folk for impersonating their  creations without consent????????    I would like to see something done, and these "performers" held accountable, though, to be fair, only Osvaldo has acted up, this time!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 Nice going, Mr. Quiro-Lopez!!!!!!!!!!  First, you violate a child's fantasy by turning monstrous, not to mention creating a sense of trauma, you menace the mother, who probably had no idea you were working for yourself, but someone else!!!!!!!!!!  Is she supposed to be a mind reader??????

                                                  The next time I see one of these denizens in Times Square, I am going to stick my tongue out at them!!!!!!!!! And if I am harassed, I will call a cop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     Bake this Cookie Monster, darlings, until he is burnt---to a CRISP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Yep. That's right. Saw them too. Thought the same thing.

  2. Yep. That's right. Saw them too. Thought the same thing.
