Thursday, April 11, 2013

Darlings, I Thought This Was Going To Be Another Delemarchier!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Girls, I am telling you, the day began just like any other.  I crawled out of bed, made my way to the bathroom, where I made myself all pert and fresh faced.  Then into the kitchen I went for the morning rituals--the taking of my first two meds, and the making of the coffee!!!!!!!   I searched on the computer for a bit, and, at 6:30, came out into the kitchen, poured coffee, made breakfast, and the day began.

                                       And continued; though let me say, up front, I do not know how a gob of peanut butter made its way to the rug in the bedroom.  I always get blamed for peanut butter, when I have no control over it!!!!!!!!!  Maybe it moved there by itself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        We bathed, the ensemble was chosen, and we went out the door.  After the monsoon, we had last night, walking in the outdoors was pleasant, if a bit colder than yesterday.

                                            And that is when the trouble started.

                                            The amazing thing was, it seemed to come out of nowhere.  We were waling our usual route to the subway--up 76th Street, toward Third.  Coming in our direction was a rather non-descript  fellow, walking two dogs, both Doberman Pinschers.  He had a cute little one on a leash, and, to my apprehension, a grown one on a leash--but it was walking by itself.  Maybe he saw my hesitation, though I do not think that registered with him.  As it turned out, both dogs, especially the larger one, were better behaved than their owner/walker, whom I shall now refer to from now on as Dickface!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Dickface passed by us, and I heard some mumbling that I paid no attention to.  I thought we had exchanged polite "Good mornings."  But when Monsieur turned to him, now ahead of us, and said, "You could have said 'Excuse me!'," that's when I knew there was a trouble.  Apparently, Dickface felt either Monsieur had deliberately bumped into him, or, God forbid, he did not move fast enough away from him!!!!!!  Fuck you!!!!!!!   And after that came the anti-gay remarks.  This guy, I have to say, knew all the lingo-what with his talking about seeing assholes, and men kissing each other.  When we said "Fuck you!" and kissed, he said the only one he kisses like that is his mother!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   "Oh, really?" I thought!  That must be a very interesting relationship.  Of course, with hindsight, I should have shouted back, "That is because the only one you kiss is your mother!"

                                                       Hey, Dickface, are you getting me?????????

                                                        I wish I knew who this guy was and what was his story.  I have never seen him around before; I am not even sure if he lives in the neighborhood.  And, if he does not, what is he doing here, anyway?  Maybe his wife or girl friend, or mom, gave him the brush off!!!!!!!!!  Could you blame them, darlings??????????????

                                                          I hope I have seen the last of Dickface, because otherwise I will call this to HIS face!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Does this mar my perception of Bay Ridge????????? Not at all, it is lovely, bucolic, and filled with lovely people.

                                                           Losers like this are found everywhere.  Where I would like to find Dickface, is mired in some Staten Island sludge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                            You hear that, Dickface??????????????????


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