Friday, April 12, 2013

Girls, This Is A Matter Of National Consequence!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     I really do not know how old Fleet Week is, darlings, because there are conflicting reports.  A  newscaster last night said it goes back 25 years.  Other sources say it began in 1984; in which case next year would be the 30th Anniversary!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Personally, I think the whole thing goes back to 1950.  Ever since Gene Kelly, Frank Sinatra and Jules Munshin hit this "helluva town" (though, at MGM, I think they were forced to say either "heck" or "wonderful") in "On The Town," the idea of sailors flooding this city, around Memorial Day Weekend, has been in vogue.

                                       And in more recent years, Fleet Week has become an annual Spring rite of passage, where sailors come here to see the sights, and get ALL kinds of action, the bars--straight AND gay--do the kind of business the New York City Ballet does during the month  it does "The Nutcracker," and single New Yorkers do their patriotic duty by bringing home a sailor for a home cooked meal!!!!!!!!  And, like the song says, "a bit of dinner never hurt, but guess who's  gonna be desert?"

                                        On the news last night this goateed young Manhattanite said how much girls here LOVE Fleet Week.  Uh-huh!!!!!!!!!!!!  Not just the girls, honey!  For guys who are gay, Fleet Week offers the largest assortment pf prime male flesh on the market, not to mention an opportunity to view more VPL's (Visible Pantie Lines!!!!!!!!!) at this time, than any other!  And those sailors, honey, I am telling you, just love showing those pantie lines!

                                          Well, now, comes news that, for budgetary reasons, the U.S. Government may be forced to cancel Fleet Week this year!  Whaaaaaaat????????????  I am telling you, this simply CANNOT happen.  What with all the Right Wing push to patriotism, something genuinely patriotic that folk of  ALL political strata LOVE should not be abolished.  It is tough enough to ignite people's patriotic urges amid all our social apathy, so when something comes along that DOES ignite it, why pull the plug????????????

                                            Could this be a return to Right Wing morality; that, because of the sexual connotation Fleet Week has, it is being abolished????  That happens to be MY suspicion, darling, in which case I want to say to all the sailors out there that, even if the ships do not pull into harbor this year, come to the Big Apple, where, to get back at this nonsense, you will probably be shown a better time than if Fleet Week had NOT been cancelled.

                                               But let's hope it is not!  After all, it is one of the more important Rites Of Spring!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               And, what the guidebooks also don't say, is that Manhattan women are NOT the only ones who dress in silk and satin, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                Bring on the gobs that weekend, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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