Sunday, April 7, 2013

Happy Sixth Anniversary, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Six years ago today, this blog was launched!!!!!!!!!!!  That's right, everyone, The Raving Queen turns 6 today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Who would have thought we would all end up where we did????????

                             When I began this, my intention was to make this some sort of repository for the fiction and think pieces I had written over time!!!!!!!!!  But, as I thought about "Sex And The City," the concept of a "Gay male Carrie Bradshaw" began to take hold.  And once Amy Adams, in "Julie and Julia," said "I could have a blog!," I was off and running!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               There is no rhyme or reason to how I write this; it is what comes first to mind, whatever I happen to feel most passionate about when I sit down to write, or what stand out event in my life has recently taken place.  And all of this is written as I go; I wanted to give myself the challenge of writing on spec, should I ever be in a position--and, who knows, I may--of having to write on deadline.  And it has been satisfying to discover I can actually do this.

                                 So, the blog has evolved over the years, and continues to.  As has my life; when this began, I was still in Woodside, Queens, single, and pretty much expecting to be, though I always held out hope.  And that hope was filled--I am with my beloved Monsieur, and back in an area I loved from the moment I first stepped into it, which will be thirty (that's right, girls!!!!!!!!!) years ago, come December 1--Bay Ridge, Brooklyn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  I wish you all, my readers, my GIRLS, a Happy Anniversary as well.  I started this blog alone, but I could not have continued it without you!

                                  Here is to another six years, or, at least, one more!!!!!!!!!!  What will it hold????????
Stay tuned, to find out!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Happy, Happy, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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