Sunday, April 7, 2013

"If You Try, You'll Find Me," Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               This is not only The Raving Queen's Anniversary, darlings; sixty-four years ago  tonight, this very evening, "South Pacific" opened, on Broadway, at the Majestic Theatre.  How I would have loved to have been there to hear that orchestra peal out those opening strains of "Bali Hai!"  Even more, how I would have loved to see Juanita Hall, stage center, hearing her sing out, "Moooooooost  people live on a loooooonely island.........!"  Oh, my God, darlings, can you just imagine????? I am getting goose bumps just writing about this!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               My parents actually saw the Original production--but not on Opening Night, darlings!!!!!!!!!  And  "South Pacific"--or, at least, listening to it--marked my point of entry into Musical; Theater!!!!!!!!!!!  Listening to Juanita Hall is where I learned it all about voice projection, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 And the show still has legs!!!!!!!!!!!  Kelli O'Hara and Company made a hit of it at the Vivian Beaumont a few years ago, and, next season, Paper Mill is going to do it.  I plan to be there for that!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Few shows, darlings, has the staying power of this one!  They don't write them  this way, any more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     I mean, come on, now; do you really think, when the time comes, we will be commemorating the sixty fourth anniversary of "Spring Awakening????????????????"

                                       "Dites-Moi," darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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