Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Now, Here Is A Career Option For Retirement!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 That word, "retirement," gets to be more and more elusive, girls, not only in the fact of this economy, which means lots of us will have to work longer than our parents did, but also the prospect of keeping it together, both financially and mentally, once the bullet has been bitten, and the workplace door has been slammed in your face!!!!!!!!!  We may all sing "Take This Job, And Shove It," but when push comes to shove, how many of us are truly ready to embrace the idea??????????

                                    One idea I have had for years is becoming a Tarot Card reader.  Many years ago, in my youth, I owned a deck; when I moved, I gave them to a friend, whom, I am sure, still has them, and it would be de trope of me to ask for them back.  So, a new deck is something I have to search for.

                                      The idea of being a reader first came to me, seventeen years ago, during my first trip to New Orleans.  Enchanted with the Southern decadence of the Big Easy, when I first beheld Jackson Square, I had it all planned--I could move down here, live as cheaply as I could, and spend my days in the square, with nothing more than a card table and a deck of cards, telling people their fortunes.

                                        I already had, and could pick up, a basic understanding of the Major Arcana; now I would have to sit down, and study the minor, which corresponds to an ordinary deck of playing cards.
As for spreads and layouts, there are plenty of books out there,  There is even, I believe--yes, girls!!!!!!--"The Tarot For Dummies."  A career is born!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        However, after Katrina, the idea of residing in NOLA was put on hold!!!!!!!  But when I went back there, two years ago, the thought bubbled in my head again.  Not so much moving South, but taking up Tarot Card Reading!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          The artistic detail of the cards always attracted me.  And, of course, I would need a costume to go with it.  My choice would be a flowing purple wizard robe, with moons and stars all over it.  Another reason New Orleans would be precluded--I would die from heat prostration in such an out fit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  However girls, one's outfit is only as good as one's readings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             So, here I am, contemplating--but only contemplating--retirement, and switching careers.  Like the song says, "You Gotta Get A Gimmick."

                                                And this way, girls, my sacro would be intact, as it would not be sacrificed to working in the back row!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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