Tuesday, April 16, 2013

This Was NO Boston Tea Party, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Sometimes, but not often, I am the last to know!  Yesterday, at 4PM, I was headed out of my workplace, intent on a cup of java, which I desperately need at said time each day to get me through that 5PM hump!!!!!!!   On my way out, I heard people muttering about something that had "happened in Boston."  Intent on coffee, I did not pay it much heed. But, when I returned, I discovered the horror of the explosions at yesterday's Boston Marathon.

                                      Immediately, my thoughts and prayers went out to the people of Boston and their families, especially those directly effected by this event.  And, being the New York savvy that I am, and having lived through the horror of 9/11, my next thought was, "Oh, God!  What does it mean for this town?"

                                        I can tell you, riding on the subway last night and this morning, book or no book in hand, was an apprehensive experience.  I could not get over how crowded the trains were this morning; I thought some,  in terror, might remain at home.  Are New Yorkers foolish, uncaring, or are they just trying to prove their resiliency?????  Which may be nice, but I have to ask myself, at the expense of what, or whom????

                                         One thing I can tell you, girls!!!!!!!!!!  This was no professional job!  Otherwise, the bombs which did not detonate would have, and it would have been much worse!  I am convinced this was done from the inside.   Someone (and by that, I mean more than one person) was able to blend themselves into the fabric of personnel associated with the marathon event, because, honestly, girls, how else would they have had the time or opportunity to set up what they did????????????

                                            Heaven help the poor Arabs and Muslims of Boston and elsewhere!!!!!!  You just know this is going to come down heavily on their heads, even though I am certain they did not have anything to do with this.  Again, what havoc will these wreak among the Arab and Muslim communities in New York City, and the wacko hatemongers, who are just looking for anything to have a go at them--and this gives them a prime motivator!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Once upon a time, shows were tried out in Boston, before hitting Broadway.  The phrase "banned in Boston" used to apply to theater!!!!!!!!!!!!  It shouldn't have to apply to those now afraid to live there or visit!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               The only thing that REALLY should explode in Boston, darlings, are people's intestinal tracts, after eating its world famous baked beans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  Toot, toot, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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