Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Now, HERE'S An Idea, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   You didn't think, for a minute, I was going to stop writing about Jessie Mueller now, did you?   Girls, I just found out Anne Hathaway may possibly return to Broadway--not as Eliza in "My Fair Lady," as was first proposed, but as Sally Bowles in "Cabaret," with--yes, darlings!!!!!--Alan Cumming again as the Emcee.  If Joel Grey did it at a 20 plus year interval, why can't Alan after only 15???????

                                      No reason he can't.  But that "Cabaret" ran for several years, (I saw it late in the run!!!!) so it seems not only like it was just on Broadway, but they keep recycling the same damn shows over and over, at the expense of those deserving of  more revivals than are usually given.

                                      Twenty years ago, the Roundabout mounted an absolutely charming production of that valentine of a musical, "She Loves Me!," with Judy Kuhn as Amalia.  I saw it twice, though by the time I got to it, Diane Fratantioni,  (whom I had seen do Diana Morales many times in "A Chorus Line" at the Shubert) was Amalia, and she was fabulous.  As was the entire show.

                                       To think that it turns 50 this year!  And what better way to mark that anniversary by a revival of this, starring none other than Jessie Mueller, who has a little history of her own with this show.
When she was the Toast Of Chicago Theater, she did Amalia, winning herself the Chicago version of the TONY for it.  If you go on YouTube, you can hear her on "I Don't Know His Name," and even a little bit of "Ice Cream."  Darlings, she is enchanting, and she has the voice!!!!!!!!  Heaven sent magic!!!!!!!!  So, before someone gets the so-called bright idea of casting Beyonce, or some such nonsense, sign Jessie, once she finishes 'Nice Work' for "She Loves Me!" and watch the show and she work its magic as few shows can!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          How many times can we see "Gypsy" or "Cabaret?"  How about giving "She Loves Me a chance?   It would make  Jessie the star she should be!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Any show with lyrics like "and we get the tilt of our hat right...that's right (where do you see this kind of writing any more, darlings???????) can't be anything but brilliant!  Bock and Harnick at their best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                So, scrap "Cabaret," and sign Jessie for "She Loves Me!"

                                                 We will simply LOOOOOOOOOOVE it, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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