Monday, April 8, 2013

One Has To Wonder, What Is Going On At "One If By Land......?"

                                  I am, of course talking about the restaurant, "One If By Land, Two If By Sea," which has always been one of my favorite dining spots.

                                    Yesterday, to commemorate the restaurant's 40 year anniversary, (same time I graduated high school, darlings!!!!!!!!!!) they had a discount in their menu!  Which was something of a joke, when I saw the bill!  But the meal was superb!!!!!!!!!!

                                      While waiting to be seated, I could not resist having a Bellini!!!!!!!  I mean, girls, I just HAD to.  Once seated, at a very cozy spot near a window, we were feted with bread, and some wonderful appetizers.  I opted for a Spring Salad,which had truffle, and was heavenly.  Monsieur had this mushroom soup that was like gravy, and with a rich flavor!!!!!!!!!  No complaints, there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Our waiter was charming, witty, and every bit as enchanting as Louis Jourdan in "Gigi!!!!!!!!!!!"  The main courses were excellent.  Monsieur opted for the Signature Beef Wellington, with potatoes and roasted vegetables.  I opted for a braised short rib, with same.  It was luscious!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           We finished with desert, tea, and coffee.  You know the coffee was mine, girls!!!!!!!!!   Monsieur had tea, with the chocolate coffee souffle, while I had the white chocolate mousse, with raspberry sorbet on top.

                                             Don't forget, darlings, Judy Garland taught me to sing--and she taught me to drink!!!!!!!  After the Bellini, I downed my meal with a nice glass of Merlot, and, as a complimentary gesture (because our meal took awhile) I was given a free after-dinner drink.  I chose my standby--Bailey's over ice!!!!!!!!!

                                               We sailed home on a sea of gourmet indulgence, our appetites richly satisfied!!!!!!!!!

                                                  So, what is there to wonder about???????????????

                                                   Well, even though it was Sunday, the place was not as busy as I have been used to seeing it. Some of the staff seemed to wander about aimlessly, like they had nothing better to do.  And I am not saying this because they were bad.  I am saying it seemed like they had not much to do!!!!!!!!!

                                                       When we entered what is supposed to be this high end, A-list place, we saw a discomfitting sight--an outside sign that said "Grade Pending."  Then, from inside, we could see they had gotten.........a B!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A B!!!!!!!!!!!!  At "One If By Land...........?"  Can you imagine??????????

                                                        Something began happening to the restaurant,about two years ago,  when they fooled with the menu, and removed all the curtains form the windows. But, with this recent visit, (which also celebrated the launching of this blog!!!!!!!!!!!)  I had to wonder if this restaurant's days are sadly numbered.  I hope not...I mean, 40 years is a LONG time, and I wish them many more.

                                                           I am just not sure they are going to get it.  At best, I think this restauant needs some tweaking!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                             In which case, I have the perfect solution, lambs--call Graydon Carter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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