Monday, April 8, 2013

This One Sings NO "Song Of Bernadette," Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  The story of Bernadette Sugrim, pictured above, shows why I love Little Sister in "The Night The Lights Went Out In Georgia" so much. Sometimes, girls, the stronger person has to take matters into their own hands.  As Bernadette's story proves.

                                    You could say Bernadette was a victim of spousal abuse, which no one deserves, and for whom I have the utmost compassion for the sufferers.  But when I heard that, before she married husband, Brian, when she still had a chance to extricate herself, Bernadette witnessed him behaving violently toward his brother, her brother and his father, I wondered why she did not get the hell away from him, then!!!!!!!!!  And still she said, "I loved him, and when you love someone......."

                                      Already I want to ask, "Honey, what is WRONG with you?????"  But it only gets better. Bernadette and Brian get married, and he is definitely Mr. Control Freak.  When the kids are in elementary school, he decides to give them boxing lessons, which is really an excuse for him to beat up these kids himself.  And Bernadette does not intervene.  True, all the time he threatens that if she does, he will kill them all, but, still, you protect your children--even if it means being evasive--in order to get them away from a situation they had no choice getting into, in the first place.

                                        In 2003, he came to her, and confessed to murdering prostitute Linda Gibson, because he wanted to--and because of her resemblance, he said, to Bernadette!!!!!!!!!!!!  Darling, if you hadn't already--which you should have--that was your cue to take those kids and RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          But she didn't.

                                          It took her daughter, Skye, who was 11, and had been subjected to beatings and being tied up alongside the family dog, to escape, run to the neighbors, who called 911, arrested Brian, got him to trial, convicted him, where he is in prison for life.

                                            Mother Bernadette and daughter Skye both testified against this sicko THING!!!!!!!!!!   It helped in his conviction.  Today, they have moved away and are enjoying a happier life.

                                               But I have to wonder--are they??????  Remember, "Little Sister don't miss, when she aims her gun!" and Skye did not miss when seeking help from authority!!!!!!!!  She is the "Little Sister" of this story, and its REAL hero!!!!!!!!!!  Mama Bitch Coward would still be cowering in a corner, making excuses, while her children are beat in front of her, if it had not been for Skye!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                I have to wonder about what kind of upbringing Bernadette herself had!
I have to wonder how the children are going to deal with the trauma they escaped from.  And, frankly, I would be worried about Bernadette, who, for all her testifying against her husband, was not much of a mother, when it came time for a crisis.  Women like Bernadette are easy prey for abusers, and they know how to seek them out.  Could Bernadette, still attractive, fall in with another one of these types??????  You better believe it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 Take your brother, Skye, and run!!!!!!!!!!!!  Get away from this cowardly bitch!!!!!!!!!!  Go to Children's Services, go anywhere that will provide you with a stable environment.  Because, even with Monster Daddy in jail, being with Bernadette is no guarantee!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   Charge her with negligence, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





  1. Well said I am Linda Kay's sister Bernadette should be in Jail for all the crimes she has committed helping him get away with murder if she would have done something the first time my sister would be alive to day!

    1. Sending hugs to you and your family. Crazy Bernadette is a lousy mother and horrible citizen. Yes, your sister should still be alive. This case ought to be shown in psychology classes.

  2. By the way Bernadette please stop with the interviews let me sister rest in peace sick of seeing your pathetic face repeating your self and mixing up the facts if you only knew how stupid you make yourself look you would stop I am sure your children are sick of reliving it over and over again I know my family is .

    1. Bernadette is a professional victim. I'm so sorry for your loss and that this victim wasn't charged with accessory after the fact.

  3. These poor children went through enough.
    They deserve a life full of peace, free from Bernadette

  4. I watched two programs covering Bernadette's story. When her husband confessed to murder on one show she said she thought he was joking. On another show she said she couldn't believe he would do something like that, then shrugged it off. She said he actually left for a month. She still chose stay and wait for him. She admitted to being in a police station and still said nothing. She sat and watched this monster beat her kids and said nothing. Her little girl did what she should of done and got the cops. I think Bernadette would still be there with her husband, and still do nothing if her daughter didn't do anything. It took an abused little girl to make this stop. My heart breaks for her kids. No child deserves any of this. Bernadette also did a disservice to the victims families who lost there loved ones to this monster she protected. I felt during her interviews she did not have sympathy for the victims and there families by doing nothing to help them at the time.I can not imagine knowing this information and doing nothing.let along having my children there. I can't get over he left for a month, and she waited for him.


  5. The horror of what Bernadette put those children through is inexcusable. I don't understand why she did not act, except to say I have, fortunately, never been in her situation, so maybe it is different, and so are your reactons, when you are.

    I hope those children got help. The daughter, as she gets older could start resenting her mother, and she would not be altogether wrong.


  6. Anne Marie A,

    You are right on both counts.
    May those children find peace and
    contentment in their adult lives.
    Bernadette sure loves playing the
    victim; I don't buy her act.
    Definitely, a case to be studied.
