Thursday, April 25, 2013

Poor Dylan Byers!!!!!!!!! Why Is Everyone Picking On Him?????????

                                     Actually, darlings, it is not everyone, but simply the female media pundits (and I would bet that that Jodi Picoult and Jennifer Weiner  are among them, out there spewing their hatred for Dylan somewhere!!!!!!) who have taken offense at comments directed at New York Times Executive Editor, Jill Abramson, in a recent article!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Now, Dylan may (or may not) be a sexist pig, in his ramblings.  And Jill may (or may not) be a flat out bitch.  But there is something the femme media pundits are missing, and which only a gay man, like yours truly, could have insight into, when it comes to this whole mess.

                                        I do not know Dylan or Jill from Adam, and I cannot say I care to.  But, if you read between the lines of Dylan's piece, what is picked up is that it is not so much that Jill Abramson is a bitch; she is an uninteresting one.

                                          Consider this town's FAVORITE bitch, Anna Wintour!!!!!!!!!   Everyone, even those who HATE her, LOOOOOOOOVE Anna!!!!!!!!!!!!  She may be disliked, but she IS respected.  And while staffers at VOGUE may go running to Mama Grace (Coddington) to soothe those ANNA-induced wounds, there probably is not one who would not say Anna knows damn well what she is doing.

                                             Contrast Jill with Anna.  ANNA is attractive, and knows how to dress.  Does Jill????????  Are you kidding, darlings?????????  First of all, for the Times to hire anyone with a tattoo speaks of them reaching far below the breeding pool!!!!!!!!!  Jill may not be Grace Kelly, but she could cut a more striking image, get rid of that tat, and learn to spout bon mots and one liners, rather than shriek like a banshee!!!!!!!!!  ANNA's bitchiness is endlessly interesting to everyone.  I found one commentator accuse Dylan of making Jill  "Miranda Priestley-ish."  Miss Priestley, of course, is the fictional version of ANNA in Lauren Weisberger's "The Devil Wears Prada," and, as portrayed both there and on film by Meryl Streep, she is as interesting as ANNA is, but Jill is NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              It is not poor Dylan's fault he is straight, and is thus unable to make such distinctions.  It is his detractors' fault that they cannot, claiming they have so much gender insight, when all they really want to do is get even by doing  a hatchet job on Dylan because they feel he did one on Jill!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               All Jill needs is a visit to Bergdorf's, or Elizabeth Arden, where Ariette and others can do something about that limp hair and pallid skin.  Once she becomes an interesting bitch, all this hoopla will stop!!!!!!!!!!

                                                Remember, Jill does not suffer for being a bitch!  It comes from being an uninteresting one!

                                                 You do have to wonder about The Times, though.  For a paper willing to hire gay drama critics, (Ben Brantley, even if he still has a toe or two in the closet, Frank Rich, for all he hid his alternative sexuality, or whatever you want to call it, behind the apron strings of Alex Wichel; all the way back to Alexander Woollcott!!!!!) it is surprising they hired a woman with a tattoo, which speaks of low breeding.  I bet you ANNA does not have one!  Or Grace!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    So, give Dylan a break!  He can only be faulted for ignorance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     And have him spend some time with me, so he can learn, and see for himself, what being a true bitch entails!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                        Cheers, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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