Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Another Cherished Childhood Remembrance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  At the same time, darlings, we wended our way up to the Catskill Game Farm, my parents and I stopped at something they told me was "the North Pole."  At the time, I really thought we were going to the North Pole, where Santa worked his magic, prior to Christmas Eve.  In fact, for years, I thought I had been there, and that this was it.

                                   What it actually was a Swiss/Bavarian style Christmas Village called Santa's Workshop, North Pole, New York, located in Wilmington, NY at 324 Whiteface Highway.  When I was away on our weekend last week, I asked Ellen about this, as well. She remembered it, but said, it, too, had closed down.  Apparently, she was mistaken, for here it is, complete with the town square, boasting the white North Pole, which, when you touch it, is REALLY cold!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       I even liked this better than the Catskill Game Farm. And knowing it still exists gives me a yearning to go back, these fifty plus years later, and see how it holds up.  They have a website, and a 2013 schedule, so I know they are still in business.

                                        One thing I bought there, and owned for years, was this book called (Jack Something's (I cannot recall the surname) Wish.") It had a red cover, in the center of which was a color photo of a young boy, about 12 or 13, in a brown, Peter Pan-like outfit.  The book was all color photos, of Jack visiting the North Pole, and, I think, coming to live there.  It was my favorite book of childhood, at that time, and I wish I could recall the title, so I could find a picture of the book cover to show you, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!  Anyone out there remember it?????????  Feel free to let me know, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Now, isn't this nice?????????  I told you there would be some cheerful postings soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Sugar plums don't just dance in my head during Christmas, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. I went there when I was around 7. I have a picture of myself sitting on Santa's lap. Funny, I looked up their website a couple of years ago. I'm also glad it still exists! Sorry I can't help you out with the book though.


  2. Glad someone else remembers this place. Maybe my informant was confusing it with another area based attraction that has gone by the wayside. But when I saw that pic, with the white pole, I knew this was the place. If I revisit, I will certainly report it on here!
