Thursday, May 30, 2013

I've Got A Great Bitch For You This Week, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     You could say, girls, that Caleb Lawrence McGillivary has a modicum of fashion sense.  He may not have taste, but he is perceptive enough to wear something that calls him to attention.  This is the first problem with Caleb Lawrence McGillivary, who is this week's winner of the Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award  He is a big attention whore..  The second is that, for 24, he looks pretty hardened, having been on the streets  (or "homefree," as opposed to homeless, which he calls himself) for much of his adult life  But this is not Fantine, darlings!!!!!!.  The third is, ever since his intervention in a violent attack in California that had the good fortune (or not) to go viral, he has earned the moniker of "Kai, The Hatchet Wielding Hitchhiker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                         And the last is, he is a psychotic killer.

                                         This last distinction only came to the fore, after the body of Joseph Galfy, Jr. of Clark, New Jersey, was found dead in his bed,  on May 13, and his death was eventually linked to Caleb, or 'Kai."

                                           Now, I know Clark, NJ, darlings!  It is a modest, nicely suburban, enclave, and when I was a student at Seton Hall University, in the Seventies, many commuter students came from there.
Galfy was 73-years-old. lived alone, and was a partner in a local law firm.  The minute I heard he was found in his bed, only in his underwear and socks, I said, to myself, "Uhm hmmmmmmmmmmmm.....!!!!!!!!"

                                              But why did it have to be this way?

                                               According to sources, over that weekend, Galfy and Kai met up along the Times Square walkway.  The older man invited the drifter home, and he spent the night.  The next morning, he departed.  No problem, there.  But where things get murky, is that, in the evening, Galfy received a call from Caleb, who had returned to nearby Rahway, asking to be taken in.  The next morning, he was gone, and the older man was dead.  Kai, who, despite being an itinerant drifter, has a Facebook page, (Can you believe it, darlings????????) posted that, while at Galfy's, he awoke, to discover he had been drugged and sexually assaulted.  So, traumatized, he went back there, and killed him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                                                  The first thing I want to say is I feel such sorrow for Mr. Galfy.  Here he gets to this stage in life, a nice home in a nice town, a partner in a law firm--and he ends up like this?  What's sad is, with his financial resources, Galfy could easily have afforded some more...uhm....high quality action!!!!!!!!!!   The second sad thing is that maybe THIS is what he DID prefer--stuff off the street, and that is always a dicey proposition, dears.  Remember "Looking For Mr. Goodbar???????"

                                                     I am outraged by statements I have read, almost defending Kai's actions, stating it was homosexual remorse; that he could not handle what he had done, and so turned on his trick!!!!!!! What a lot of hooey!!!!!!!!!  Because not every guilt ridden homosexual, or quasi-homosexuals, kill their sex partners!!!!  They just try to block the experience out psychologically, or they go to confession!!!!!  Or maybe, thinking it the same thing, they watch "The Song Of Bernadette!!!"  On their knees, for penance!!!!!!!!  This guy had no remorse of any kind.  He may be gay, he may be bisexual, but one thing I am certain of--he is a predator.  He sought this guy out, scouted the area, and when he saw the guy lived alone, had money, and would be defenseless in an attack, he returned, and took advantage of that fact, ending Galfy's life, and presumably lifting however much money or such he could take from the place!  I am also certain--though I cannot prove it--that if Kai's history is dug into further, he has done this before; indeed has a veritable history of this kind of behavior!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                        Thankfully, he was arrested, and will now, presumably, be forever removed from our streets.  Too bad it was at the expense of Galfy, a decent man, losing his life.  And it is a warning to all my girls out there to be extra cautious about who you bong with!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                          Remember, while a bit of dinner never hurt, and guess who's gonna be desert, you do not want to wind up as the Specialty Of The House!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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